Photos and Poetry About Our Nation/ Turtle Island From Whom It was Taken
Bootleggers and Before: A Poetic Exploration of History and The Future

The piece I wrote below is in response to
whom I am very happy to see back on substack. She is a survivor of child rape and one of the kindest, smartest people I know, as well as one of the best poets.As you may know by now, I write a lot of my poems in response to other peoples work and while I offer a perspective that may either add or in some cases disagree with
I have the greatest respect for her and think she is one of the best people of all times.I will share her piece first, as it is excellent and also gives context:
A cultivation of malevolence has been sown
Feasting upon the bones of America—
Contaminating the sanctity of all that the light of day writes contrary to night.
Deception reigns from the plains to the sea. Our Sweet Land Of Liberty is being ravaged and squandered.
Children are trafficked and brutalized through networks of known bootleggers, and yet—no effort for a “Prohibition” of this—if only it were alcohol and not children—maybe then things would be different—the sheep still follow the shepherd and sit on the fence.
Fraud is vomited out of every Chief, Newscast and Newspaper. Shameless contradictions fly from their mouths like locusts from the pages of Exodus.
Truth is a virtue and rests at Mount Vernon—a remnant of a time so far away—yet—not so long ago.
An unprecedented storm of the century—regime made—crosses our southern border daily, granting syndicates of gangsters the freedom to hijack apartment buildings—actual thieves in the night—This is The United States Of America.
Did you hear what I just said?
This is America.
This is NOT My America.
The thing is, I grew up in abuse—the thing I always knew though, was I am an American. In that knowing, I knew anything could be possible—even though the cards were stacked against me, if I worked hard—ANYTHING was possible.
America to me, was watching The Wonder Years and wishing I grew up like that—listening to Joe Cocker soulfully wail out “what would you do if I sang out of tune, would you stand up and walk out on me? Lend me your ear and I’ll sing you a song—I will try not to sing out of key.” It was watching that show, that embodied America for me—pictures of the family having a barbecue, the kids playing football in the street, the son and his dad playing catch—the episode where the neighbor kid didn’t come home from Vietnam, and the whole town felt the loss. From drive throughs and Johnny Cash, fireworks and the fourth of July, Take Me Home Country Roads, New York to California and everything in between—America is abundantly full of life.
Most of all—
America to me is heart. It’s the beating of all the ones that fought for it and gave their lives because they believed in it, and it’s the beating of the hearts in the ones still here—still fighting.
Before Bootleggers
Even before
The Bootleggers
Like the Bronfmans
And so forth
Land speculators
Right and Left
Assessed the Land’s worth
Argued in the Congress
And the Court
Who can Steal the Land
The States
Or the Federal
But both are stealing it for sport
This was always what they planned
Steal and sell
Outlaw whoever gets in the way
What the hell
Based on pseudo Christian Eyes
Discovering it
Papal bulls
The same Catholic Church
Raping its pupils
Said whichever Christian prince in the name of the Costume hat and the cape
Long after It was Inhabited by People In the Image of Creator
The papal bullshit
And with divine decree
They made Christendomination
The regulators
Of Genocide and trafficking of humans
Young and old
Called it godly and bold
So before there was a country to be proud of
There were the predecessors of the bootleggers
Marching the legs of the Indians/Native Nations
Off their land and to their deaths
Or assimilation
A form of genocide
Where you exist but have no name, no sense of where you or from what land
You became
Enrolled or unenrolled
The United States can legally extinguish whatever sovereignty remains
Because of what Ruth Bader Ginsberg reaffirmed in 2005
The Marshall Trilogy etched with the murderous guilt of Cain
So while I love many things about our constitution, including its commitment to free speech
And the power to impeach
And I would rather United States sovereignty retain
Than to find freedom detained
In Transnational
Agenda 2030 goals
Gone insane
The Institution
Called America
Named after an Italian
Navigator does
Need to atone
For its corruption
From its inception
And the theft and genocide
Through which its land amassing came
The foundation is ill-begotten
And repentance is the only game
That will open up the way
For those who love their neighbor
And know that means the one society rejects
To which the mainstream objects
And those who love freedom
Who must claim it for all - including and first the First Nations
Those are holy, True obligations
wow... a poetic historical truth-telling tour de force! ...
Wow 🔥 just wow. This world breaks my heart, but I hold hope that the future will be brighter and we can all be free.