By Alicia Kwon
Dear Source of All Life, of All Cosmos, of All Star Beings and Human Beings, All Planets, Galaxies and Hearts,
In the birdsong let me find my higher notes
In the milkweed budding, my sense of wonder
In the brilliant dew drop reflected among countless blades of grass
The miraculous nature of light reflecting
Throughout all creation
Let that let ignite a joyous celebration
Of all that makes us unique
Yet made of the Same
Our one source
Letting us play this game
Change the rules
Change the rules
Change the rules
So that earth schools are
Now and forever from now one
Designed to download truly Divine Soulutions
That operate through Grace
In this Space/space
And throughout all time/Time
In Harmony and Sovereign Peace
Bringing Unconditional Divine Love and Ease
Remove our belief that things cannot change
Remove collective insanity
And restore Inspiration
To all of Humanity
To solve what needs to be solved
With joyful resolution
That beings within
An inner upward spiral
A lovolution
Of kindness
Begins with me
And may it spread instantaneously through quantum mechanics
To all creation
Let the miracle of Grace to find our way beyond atrocities into a space
Of loving one another
And living our innocence joyfully
Seeing the innocence in the “other”
Yet being full accountable to ourselves and to one another
No more deferred karma for evil doers
No more delays of spirits remaining beyond their time to wreak havoc
Source of all life, call them all back
And set us free
To express our unique stamp of divinity
Without stamping out anybody else’s right to be free to express Truth, Their Wonder, Their Peoplehood, Their Joy, Their Sovereignty, Their Curiosity, Their Love
Let the Only Boundary be the End of Exploitation and Annihilation and beyond that, what each one chooses for themselves, individually and within every community
Yet especially support those who want to create a heavenly reality upon this earth
Honor, nurture, protect and support Her Birth
Anchor into this reality and be available with ease in every other
Forever and ever
Aho Aho Aho
Things can change, little big and huge
I can be open to the stillness
And the action
Divinely aligned Inspired traction
Through grace
And letting go
I am excited
We are enthused
Let’s go!!!!
I am open to all that wants to change in and through me
I am receiving divine Inspirations
That support the organic ascension of Humanity
Let’s go!!!!
By the power of BEING
I birth into FEELING
This divine reality

Dear You,
Shine forth!
Your gifts are needed and you are enough and worthy to give them and be received by the Universe that is needing all you are, and all you are here to sing, to dance, to honor in stillness, in silliness, in joy, to bring!
You are here to be more powerful than that that would try to insist that you are small or weak or less or more or superior or non relevant or too tall or not the right shape for this world. You are exactly the right for the purpose you came for and you are a joy to see and know as you surrender into the Divinity that is opening with you your next letting go of what isn’t you.
Old defenses and fears are only holding you back. Be incredible loving with yourself, and also be fierce with not letting yourself get away with living out habits or beliefs that are rotten or imposed on you by external sources and perhaps reinforced by your belief in the. Choose the power of your positive focus! Your paradigms may be changing, but your soul is more than able to welcome what you are finding so you can harness more truth to serve Life.
You have so much joy to bring! Celebrate your innocence! It has never, never left you. Forgive yourself and others, including forgiving yourself the you aren’t ready to do that yet. Forgiveness doesn’t mean allowing yourself or others to continue something that is unhealthy, damaging or lacking in honoring of your own or another’s sovereignty.
You are free! You are love! Your oversoul is made in the image of Source and is incorruptible.
Wow, you’re truly a word alchamist. Absolutely wonderful