Joan of Arc
In the face of your enemies,
in the face of harassment, ridicule, and doubt,
you held firm in your faith.
Even in your abandonment,
alone and without friends,
you held firm in your faith.
Even as you faced your own mortality,
you held firm in your faith.I pray that I may be as bold in my beliefs as you, St. Joan.
I ask that you ride alongside me in my own battles.
Help me be mindful that what is worthwhile
can be won when I persist.
Help me hold firm in my faith.
Help me believe in my ability to act well and wisely. Amen.
~ Via
My heart is a blazing sun-star of pristine all-consuming light that blasts alway all deception in my path, while shining gently upon all that nurtures life and authentic goodness.
All realities self-correct to reflect the divinity within all, everywhere I walk, play, work, dance, breathe, express, relax, bathe, love, exist, in any dimension.
I honor the path that feels aligned to the Divine Light of Christ-Love within me, and I am graciously navigated by Grace to always arrive at the Present moment in the ways that are most Divinely Aligned and with the energies and experiences that serve the Divine Heart, Divine Will and Divine Choreography most fully for my expression in this lifetime!
I discern easily. I am free of judgment as I walk my Truth, including walking away from anything, anywhere or anyone that no longer is my Rightful Way.
Dear Self,
I am so proud of you. I know sometimes you get stressed by what you see happening in the outer world, but you are such a living chalice for grace and you are becoming better at discernment everyday! Trust your spidy sense. Keep your heart clear, open and find the space of zero where, without reactivity, you can stand for yourself and others in alignment with the Divine! You don’t need to give away your energy to everyone or everything that seeks it!
You’ve got this, 100% and so does everyone else. Each sovereign divine holograph of Sophia has their journey. I love you. Shine bright. Allow Source to guide you to your own Truth/truths.
The Inner Spaciousness where you meet the Divine within yourself and within others is expanding. You are doing great! No need to be hard on yourself. All is well. Life is unfolding Magnificently, and you are a part of that wonderfulness! The world needs you, just as you are. Your unfoldment is happening! Honor the journey.
Your thorns and blossoms are part of the rose that you are! You are earth and you are star! You are water and light, plasma delight! Walk in the way of True Discernment, using Life Force Right.
Love, Self