Hi! I’m so incredibly joyful you’ve decided to join us on this journey! PAL is a 30 day journey of Prayer, Affirmations and & Lovenotes designed to elevate and deepen your experience of life, your spirituality and your love-focused power. If you’re just joining us, you can go back to the first day and catch up in one go or at whatever peace brings the most blessings to you. I’ll keep day six short and sweet to all those of you who are jumping in to catch up with ease if you’d like to do so!
Oh, P.S. I’m adding a prayer-song with a peace flag just created it with life and I want to share it with you who may yet come back to this page or read this later today. It’s a variation on the song I co-wrote with my son that was sung to both a Jewish woman and an Iranian family. You can read that post if you’re interested - it’s a lovely story of synchronicity and neighborliness and creativity harnessed for bridge building with soul.
I love you! I’m grateful for you and happy that you’re here. Enjoy Salaam Alekum Shalom Alehem.
With Love,
By Alicia Kwon
Dear Heart-Where-God-Lives,
Thank you for being a Home for my Soul, as a hologram of Source, to express herself freely, abundantly and radically, for the Highest Good for All.
I am listening to what you want to tell me. I am open to receive your love and your goodness and your truths/Truth. I do not need to try to control you or life, because I am safe in the Divine Love that is within me and beyond me, both.
I am listening for the Holy Spirit of my own Higher Self speaking Through and As You.
I invoke divine abundance to shower this world with all that each one needs to complete their path with as much ease and grace as possible in these tumultuous times! Amen. Aho. It is so.
I am enough, worthy and innocent.
I am a water crystal of divine light.
I know what I need in the present moment and my life is always provided for in beautiful, miraculous, loving and graceful ways.
I am safe to let the past go.
Love is abounding wherever I am, and throughout all Creation!
, who offers a beautiful “Dear Heart” message on her substack today:Dear Heart,
Let your self fly Home to Source.
Let your self relax.
Let your self trust.
Let your self accept the goodness.
Let your self allow in the flow of love that is always there and always yours.
Let your self rest.
The French thing just cracked me up, so I thought I’d share.
Thank you, Alicia! Wishing you a magical day!