By Alicia Kwon
Source of all life,
Let everything I do reflect your Unconditional Divine Love, as I am a fractal of your Heart. Let even my walking away from that which does not serve the Highest be done with Love, Kindness and Blessings. Let my Heart open wide to receive all your Unconditional Divine Love in all its forms, including when you invite me to that which me little self would not choose, yet which expands my Heart to melt with Yours beyond reason. So be it.
I am the flower that receives her drink
And the sunlight
Early morning, at its peak
I learn with light and love to speak
I am the water that cries tears that heal
And the sun that shines unconditionally
Beyond all that seems to stink
I am the phoenix
I can ALWAYS come back from the brink
Welcoming in my heart the emerald ray
And a rose white or gold or pink
I choose to honor my breath
Beyond the chatter I think
I am in this body
Divine DNA activating
As the Water Crystal of Divine Love I AM
Activates Humanity
As in our Sovereign Oneness
We begin to link
In a lattice of Divinity
Quantum Upgrades for All
Faster than you can blink
Dear Self,
I know you are tired. And also that you are robust and filled with life and an abundance of joy and good qualities to bring to yourself and others. It’s all okay. I love you. Shine in a way that honors the One breathing within you and within others. Your choices are right for you whenever you make them from the Sovereign Oneness within you!
P.S. Please remember to skip and play and attend to that inner child. Too much seriousness isn’t good for you.
Beautiful picture of recognizing the divine expressing its life as us🙏❤️