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Pal Day One

Prayer, Affirmation, Lovenote


Affirmation for May 31st 2024

I am a vessel of peace

I am filled with peace

I overflow with peace

I abundantly offer peace to myself in any condition or situation

The more peace I allow myself to receive and to be, the

more may offer it to others more abundantly each day

As I am an instrument of peace

The music of peace fills every room in my house, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and dimensionally

I welcome Source to play the music of peace upon the instrument of peace that I AM

I am a source of Peace through the Source of Peace

I am the peace I need

I am the peace that is needed wherever I AM

This is true even when I falter from my sense of peace

I have only looked away

From that which I AM

I breathe and come Home

Peace is my Home

I AM always arriving Home

Every step of the journey


Love Note

Dear Self,

I know it has been incredible. An incredible journey. Incredibly rough beyond what you thought you signed up for at times. Maybe a lot of times. Sometimes have really, really sucked. You are so brave. You no longer need to carry this burden alone. You can give it to God. God is smiling at you. Proud of you. God did not force this mission upon you; therefore God will not take it away from you, because it was you who said YES to this amazing, challenging time to be alive in the world, being the you that you are in the world as it is unfolding. You are part of shaping its unfolding and every time you choose love, there is more love in it. Every time you choose courage, there is more courage in it. Every time you choose hope, there is more hope in it. I love you. You’ve got this, even when you feel like you don’t - in fact especially when you feel like you don’t. Because the feeling like you don’t is exactly where your humanity meets the world. The space between feeling like you don’t and showing up for your purpose is FAITH. You don’t have to believe anything in particular, you just have to show up, willing and allow God to work through you, however you feel on a given day, in a given moment.

All is well. This is true even as the shitshow continues. Remember it is just a show. You are co-writing the script, acting and co-acting. It is not all up to you. yet you have enormous influence! Be daring. Be humble. It’s not all on you. But. your life makes a TRUE difference for those influenced by you, and those influenced by them, and the energy of the rooms you are in, and those who are in them now and later.

Forgive yourself as often as necessary and others too. After the show, we’ll all go out together to laugh about how bad the acting was during this chapter. Since we’ll forgive eventually, why not forgive now? Since we’ll laugh eventually, why not laugh now. It will make us more compassionate, not less, to take this whole thing less seriously. Seriously, it is just an experience. Your innate oversoul essence is totally safe through it all and enjoying the show very much. Bless your body, your food, the air you breathe, the water you drink. Give yourself healthy outlets for your stress and raw feelings. Do not suppress. Do not give in to lower choices. Walk the line of honest expression and wise discernment. Let your shit go, but not just anywhere. The toilet is best, actually. You can even do EFT while you use it, then flush your emotional crap that you no longer need down with your body’s natural elimination. Don’t forget to wash your hands and while you’re at it, a waterfall of Christ love for your energy body will help you walk into your day more graciously, abundantly and with more joy, whatever else is going on in your world or the world.




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