By Alicia Kwon
Dear Source and Purest Loving Angelic Guides and Helpers,
I invite a purification of all of my energy fields to reflect only the highest radiance of divine love. I invite pure love to fill all of my energy bodies with pristine peace that blesses all realities! I offer you all that feels crappy, crummy and blarghy within me and ask that you transmute all that crappola with your violet flame. Grant me the grace to handle every situation that requires both patience and badassery within my life, including with myself. Thank you all the many blessings I forget to appreciate in my life. Awaken my nose to the fragrance of everything that is noble, beautiful and uplifting even when there is a lot of stench around. Please grant humanity the grace to love itself beyond its atrocities and to remember its divine nature as innocent children of The Most High. Give us the grace to remember our highest potential and even more grace to live into it even when it seems tempting to repeat old patterns. Bless us with your pure loving light and an open heart to blossom into the goodness that is waiting for us to receive it!
So be it. So be it. So be it.
In the center of my heart is a portal of divine love. I choose to open to the Queendom/Kingdom of pure, unconditional love for myself and others, and the space in which divine intervention can be received, guiding me through all challenging circumstances to right actions that leads to my prosperity in all ways, in ways that bless all who are touched by my life.
Dear You,
Gosh this world is a mess. You feel like it is too much, at times. At others, you are wildly excited about the new. I am holding you in love and light. You will make it through. You have a sacred contribution to make. And that is why you are exactly as you are, with the exact set of experiences that have led you up until this moment. Nothing is wasted when you surrender to the Divine Love that wants to harness all that has been into your Highest Unfoldment in these next few years - and always, forever, on into infinity!
Bless and consecrate your challenges. Discern what is and isn’t yours energetically. Hydrate well. Chew slowly. Inquire inside your own Highest, Deepest knowing how each course of action feels to your own inner compass. If you consult the experts, always bounce it off your own resonance and see how it sits. When your life is over, no expert will be accountable for your life and how you lived it. You will! I love you.
Your Other Self