God who is in and beyond all form
God whose face is me and also my neighbor
Forgive me for any times I have judged another’s journey
Or judged myself harshly when I deserved compassion
Divine Love that is All-Pervasive
Grant me the Grace to undo all the knots in me from the wound that imprinted upon and within me from all that others were unable or did not choose to heal in themselves
Bless the past and harness all its energy to an immense and unstoppable healing wave within our world and within all worlds of form
Let it begin with me
Let me make peace with myself and my past
Through the power of loving myself unconditionally and offering myself unconditional self-compassion, which I then, gradually or instantaneously am able to extend to others
Let me walk in clarity, in peace, in discernment, in love, in authentic, genuine compassion that is in no way hijackable by false agendas or insincere people, bots or energies
Let me love and forgive all without being taken for a ride
Let me and all that is, release all that is not in alignment with love, in love, back to Source
So be it. Amen. It is done.
I am loving and accepting myself a little more each day
The more I love and accept myself truly
The more compassionate and discerning I become with others
Clarity is my birthright
I welcome my Sovereign Oversoul to loving and with Perfect Divine Grace, Guide me on My Highest Path, Clear All Obstacles to Heaven on Earth and Bless All Life through my expression in this form
I forgive myself
I forgive myself
I forgive myself
And I offer that forgiveness to all my selves who appear as the other
Dear You,
I know you’ve still got knots to untangle and places that still hurt, and it’s all okay. You are the love that loves you, and that love is also so far beyond your beautiful, but little human mind and emotional states. Your heart is bigger than you realize. The wounds are only at the superficial layer, no matter who deep it sometimes feels. The truth is your heart is connected to The Heart - the One Who Is Love and can never be hurt, except through empathizing with you, Her child. Bless all you’ve been through and know you are worthy to receive only the best in life. You chose your path for a reason and whatever it is, there is no judgment. There is release from the need to judge. Hug yourself. Forgive yourself as often as you need to including, forgiving yourself for choosing to experience all that has been difficult or painful in your life - or at least agreeing to is as a possibility on a Higher Level.
New and better things are coming. It may not always look or feel that way. But peace is on its way. And ending human wars begins with ending all wars within yourself.
Om Mani Padme Hum
Do you remember?
You are the one worthy of your own compassion, First. It’s like put the oxygen mask on yourself first.
Breathe free, and Shine, beautiful soul in a human body! You are loved! You are safe! You are free!