Prayer of One who Dissents
Into the deep, I go to You
Unnamed mystery
Who holds all lovingly
The me I think I am
Dissolves in your hand
Unmake my illusions
And give me this day
My daily ungenetically modified bread
Beyond knowing what I need
I ask for your Holy Wisdom Wild Compassion seed
Beyond the hurt and anger
Beyond the lonely path I sometimes tread
I surrender to Your Holy Touch
Even if it seems like for all I try to contribute, it doesn’t matter much
Into Your holy Keeping
I place my prayers
For all to prosper in freedom and peace
For organic ascension and unco-opted cooperation
For the love that is God face to face each one smiling God to the other
Awakening me from all forms of sleeping
Through all this labor
This travail
Even when it seems so many around me continue to flail around
Holding party lines
Narratives so old they smell like moldy bread from an office
Run by a bot who doesn’t need food
God! Help me forgive and move past this mood!
Seeing where rage and resentment are keeping
Sadness weeping
All my soul agreed to
That I, in my human would have never agreed to
Learning to Trust Unconditionally
Even when being human feels so uncomfortable to me
Oh I long for all to be at peace
And free
Oh I long for all to truly feel the sovereign harmony
Instead of co-opted agendas
And attempted hegemony
Follow the money
But don’t stay in the dark
Too long
Find the inner bee
Make the honey
Work as an organic hive
Decline the Borg Mind
Divine Mother
Help keep my heart open to your love
Receptive from above
And from Gaia pristine vitality
Springing up
From the ground
Up front the ground
Of all that Humanity can be
When propaganda no longer separates us
Through falsities good people believe
That keep them rolling up their sleeve
To gaslight
To silence
To shutdown
The conversation
It hurts so bad
But I will not allow it to stop by jubilation
Please help me to remember that those who try to shut me down or silence my dissent
Are still my sister and brother
Help me to learn to love the other
As my own self
And to witness the silence that speaks
Even when it seems no one hears me
Like a voice in algorithm’s forest
Chopped down before my note is read
Or in the coffee shop
A conversation that started in friendship
Until I shared authentically what I think about the vax and the mask
And it became to tensest situation I’ve ever been in outside my family
Separate me from all that separates me in my mind from you
Give the grace to let go of my baggage and watch it pixilate into nothing
On the screen of life, this dream
Until I can begin anew to dream awake
A world so fresh, so ancient, so new
So full of YOU
Seeing one another afresh
As Soul
As Source
In the flesh
Shower upon all of us in bodies and out of them, all that we need to joyfully
From all that has addicted us to shame
To false glories
To trying make a name
Or playing THAT game
Where the pawns are sacrificed
The rooks are hung
The knights traded in strategic maneuvers
That do not behoove us
In our shared Divine Love
Yet in THAT game, only the kings are protected
Whilst the most powerful piece of all, bound by rules of THAT game
Are bound to serve and protect the king unto death
Whilst he cowers and runs away
And his opponent is really just as gay
To have a laugh when knocked over
Because he never is captured or killed
As long as the rules are complied with
So the play can continue while the pawns
The children
Those of talent and promise
Those considered valuable
But not kings
Are disposed of
And on continue the pedophile rings
And so even as I tell about this game
I invite God’s grace to resonate a frequency that sings
That unclenches the board from its hinges
And sends it hurling into space
So that a new sovereign game board of harmony and peace
Can take its place
Where laughter and connection
And abundance for all
With freedom rooted in unity
Is how a win is called
And it’s called in with an open heart
It’s called in with a spirit of plenty
When the game is to see how many
Of us can join our hearts in Aloha Ma
To find the Flourishing
Of our One Universal Ma
In each of our individual Ka
Aloha Ma
Aloha Ma
Aloha Ma
I choose to witness all my feelings with unconditional love
While having compassion, unconditionally for those who mistreat me because they know not what they do
I allow more breath into my body, into the places where I’ve held trauma
And I open my crystalline cellular processes to the healing magic of water
I allow my fire to be cooled
Let off some steam
Let the steam rise to heaven as my prayers for peace, for harmony, for liberation, for kindness, for a joyful, free world where our divinity is recognized and propaganda is a thing of the past, long gone and permanently so.
I bless all those who have helped create the world that has been challenging for me these last years. I forgive them completely, including those whose ideas it was to do this to humanity
I am ready to BEE
And to work collectively to create honey
And a world where harmony and sovereignty are allowed to be
Dear you,
Do you hear it - there is a Love
whispering through the rustle of leaves, the wind, the opening up of all wounds and also the expansion of sky - woundless and ever-wonder some expanse! The wind is whispering that all nature hears your prayers. You are one with life, and life is praying with you for a beautiful, heaven on earth world for all who want it!
Do you see the cicada who leaves one body for another and shows you that the death of one is but a birth into the next form? Do you hear the gentle cicada song in the wind?
Change can be gentle. Change can be difficult. The leaves do not resist changing color. The caterpillar resists become a butterfly. All is well, both when you change is gentle and when it is a bit of a fight. Eventually the caterpillars surrender. And then, on their way to emergence, it is the resistance they meet from their own self-generated cacoon/chrysalis that strengthens their wings so they can fly. The cicada leaves the old to become iridescence. Iridescence ultimately leaves the visible range in its next iteration, and all is well. You too are free to become an
and leave what is no longer you, each you lighter than before. Dear You, Divine Love is the place where you can be wherever you are on scale of gentle or difficult change, one moment or another, and all is well. All is accepted and part of life.
You are loved.
I took myself for a walk, after the experience I had with the young woman I thought was my friend in the coffee shop, feeling shaken. I had brought up the issue in relation to my son feeling hesitant to go out into the world, his views being what they are, and policies being a mixed bag. I had expected empathy, even if she also had empathy for other views. I couldn’t believe what I got instead - not only in the abruptness of the absolute shutdown of my own thoughts, but how she felt free to apply hers as if they were facts, in ways that gaslighted my entire experience and my family’s acutely during a 3 year period, and still lingering in various ways.
The secret passage is like therapy for me: I love the bees that loves the plants that live here. I know children walk there on their ways to school, and I love to pray for them and sometimes sing or dance as I walk. The sidewalk that cuts through between houses with no roads, with wild roses and elderberry and other plants piling over the fence the keeps path separate from the yards it borders: the secret not-secret passage where I saw the white roses that inspired the poem, “Are you tucked away in back,” and where once, while I was absorbed in staring at the greenery and sky, and also processing some different difficult things, a man commented, “You really like plants don’t you?” and I commented with hesitation, “I do. I wish I could grow them from my body without CRISPR.”
And then I took myself over to one of my friends who is a safe person for an ugly cry. She was getting ready to go to a festive thing for which she got a sitter, but I told her husband someone was mean to me, and she made time for me. And I ugly cried. She hugged me and told me to keep not fitting in. And another neighbor, who is too busy for regular friendship, but has my same sensibility (she got coerced into the vax and detoxed with homeopathy - and of course, still got the vid,) came over. I told her in shorthand what happened and she said, “Some people are shitheads.” It was quite refreshing, but of course it wasn’t true about the young woman who very unkindly shut me down at the coffee shop. “She is a good person, but she acted like a shithead.” My original friend, the one I had the ugly cry with told me, “Never stop being different. Don’t stop being you Take it from a chameleon. You are making a difference. There is a saying that the most beautiful thing is an old man who plants a young tree. You might never live to see the world you want in your lifetime, but you’re still helping it happen.” I told her that the uniqueness she sees in me is also in her, because she wouldn’t be able to hold space for me if it weren’t. I told her I am fairly incapable of bullshit - hence getting myself into the situation I found myself in in the first place, and that when I say something nice, it’s because I really think/feel/know it’s true. She told me “Thank you but I still don’t believe it.” I hope someday she sees the incredible person she is…and in the mean time, I hope that at the beer tasting she and her husband are at that everyone gets drunk enough to realize how silly propaganda - often psychologically harmful propaganda, that should be outlawed, IMO, is and how silly is everything people fight about, to just decide it all dumb and to embrace peace and tolerance, acceptance, love and friendship of one another, regardless of our beliefs about different things.
I received your river of words thank you… beautiful, epic and heartfelt!
"Learning to Trust Unconditionally / Even when being human feels so uncomfortable to me." I love so much of your poem, but this line jumped out at me. Most human beings are seeking freedom from discomfort. Here you're suggesting their is freedom in discomfort. It's a deep truth. The deeper the truth, the fewer who are ready for it. The further someone goes into their soul, the fewer who will recognize the terrain. The more soulful your writing, the fewer who will comprehend it. This is why reader reactions is a dangerous metric: it will keep us on the surface of things, where most people prefer to stay. I hope that helps a little. 😊