The below block quote is an audio called You are Needed And Now Is Your Time. You can purchase it on
“You will not be coming from a wounded place of needing to be seen or acknowledged. You will simply be unfolding that who you are and who you came to be is received. Is needed. Is wanted. And it is time. We are not accusing you of lying to yourself…We are speaking to you compassionately, honestly. You are lying to yourself if you are telling yourself a story that you will never overcome this wound…that is not your greatest self speaking, that is your wound speaking…that is the wound that does not want to die. That is the wound that does not believe healing is possible without its death. The wounded part of you that feels unseen, unwanted uneeded…has been allowed to dominate your energy field…and there is nothing wrong with this…this is also how healing begins…for you to reorganize, reconfigure an energy you have become, an energy that has taken identity…these states you find yourself in are not your fault…when you bring Presence and Consciousness to that which has not yet cleaned itself, it is not always comfortable what you see hear smell taste at first…”
Yesterday my husband and I were talking about what it means to be be vulnerable without coming from wounds.
Because if we have no wounds, or no capacity to be wounded (from a human perspective) by what we share, expose, offer…it’s not vulnerability…yet…most of us know, intuitively there is such a different feeling when someone offers their vulnerability…as an offering…and when they overshare or express what is raw, festering and unhealed in a way that is the wound talking, rather than the one holding space for the whole of human experience, including the wounds.
As we talked this through, my husband honed in on the word, “agenda” - as in - do we have an agenda to meet a wound-based need in our sharing, or are we sharing simply to express our authenticity and/or to be of service through the offering of our vulnerability, without attachment to the results - including the need for affirmation, acknowledgment or other soothing of our pain in the form of an anticipated-hoped for response from others?
Photography by Alicia Kwon