"Never before has your soul-self been so invited into the human experience on earth." The Zs via Lee Harris
Yesterday I sat on a patch of grass talking to a woman who was high. Just as I was surprised the other day to be led to engage in a conversation with a white guy spraying pesticides, on this occasion I was surprised to be led to initiate a connection with a young woman smoking weed while sitting on her blanket with a couple of books. Decided not to be resistant this time, so I smiled from a distance and complimented her spiraling heart tie dye shirt.
A few minutes into the conversation I also found out she is autistic, but didn’t get diagnosed until she was twenty. That probably could have been me, but I am not led to find out whether or not I qualify for someone else’s definition of whatever kind of neurodivergence leads me to be who I am. I am more interested in whether my authenticity is able to incarnate fully in a way that benefits all life. I do tend to get on well with other neurodivergent people though. It’s so much easier talking to people who say what they actually think and feel. It isn’t that I don’t get nuance; I don’t get hypocrisy. I don’t get social rules that someone invented that, in my own experience, get in the way of genuine connection rather than facilitating it. One of the best things that’s happened in the past few years is I feel that more and more people, if they are available to connect at all, are wanting deep, significant, really genuine connection. They want to feel connected and they want to talk about what matters to them - and to the world we share. I find these people because I fly my freak flag high, so to speak, but I find them so often, I am sure it is not just a “me thing.”
People are hungry for truth, for connection, for love, for moving beyond false dichotomies and cruelty and limiting beliefs about what is possible for humanity.
Of course I don’t specialize in weirding people out just to weird people out, so I followed up with asking her about her books.
“They're okay. This one has a lot of sex in it…so I don’t know if you’re into that or not.”
What do you say to that? I didn’t say anything. I just waited. Eventually somehow we got on the topic of higher education. Her parents wanted her to go to college; she didn’t. She thought what they teach in school is, for the most part, dumb and non-relevant. “Nothing I learned in school actually helped me,” she said. We went on that tangent for a while and some others, all related to very important topics. Although clearly she was a bit spacy, she was also more cogent about a variety of topics than most non-high people.
When my Tie-Dye, High friend told me she nannies and that her kids have special needs, I asked her something about if she had tuned into their higher consciousness. She said she had heard something about special needs kids being of a high consciousness. She hadn’t thought too much about it, but she said she could sense that maybe there was something to it…when I gave her my brief explanation of how I understand that Source/soul descend through our light bodies to interface with our bio-electric-magnetic fields through what in Chinese medicine is called the meridians, suddenly her eyes got back and everything clicked. “YES,” she said.
My new friend then said something about pretty much hiding out in her own energy bubble…mostly staying away from people. Wishing that we could have a kind world, but looking around and…well if you’ve looked around, you know how she was feeling…when she talked about the unkindness of people and how people can be, I shared with her my belief that people are not inherently nearly as bad as they appear to be based on their actions…that I believe most people are somewhere between decent/okay and fab…that we have been deeply manipulated in many ways and that most people are plugged into the matrix and completely controlled by it. I told her about my experience with my Indigenous friend and the tornados that were trying to form over my house, FYI that happened all week long they kept trying to form over my house, and I found out at least one another one was trying to form over her house on one of the same days. Every time it happens, I feel it in my body before I look out the window; I am so uncomfortable. My friend who is a seventh generation descendent of Shamans, said about how our role as light workers is to shine our columns of light in such a way as to punch through the “tarp” of darkness that has been placed.
My new friend was like, “Oh that was what was up with the weird weather.” I told her about my son too, and his weather skills. Years ago, a shaman told me he had them, but recently he’s discovered he really can interact with the weather and help clear harmful patterns in it.
We all have different gifts. Mine are different from my husbands, are different from my sons, are different from yours. No one is better or worse. The joy and the beauty of operating as sovereign beings as one body of pure-love, bold, fierce, Sophia-Christ consciousness is that we get to blend our offerings into harmonies that inspire and conspire to bring out the best in this totality of which we are expressions and in which we are also participants.
If you feel aligned to do so, take a moment and take stock of some of the wonderful ways you participate in the miracle of life, adding your unique juice, nectar, medicine, light, voice, truth, love, peace, creativity, empathy, joy, listening, energy work, physical, emotional or spirituals skills or knowledge you can share, ways of being that show you care, your faith, your humility, your courage, your intuition and vulnerabilities to the tapestry of life we are weaving into high frequencies.
You matter. Your life is you creating with LIFE.
Your light is incarnating to be the love this world needs and to bring forth answers to the call of the souls of others for exactly the medicine you bring, or exactly the skills you have to to create or co-create something needed in order for our world to become a loving, free, soul-honoring abode for all life in harmony, in sovereignty, in peaceful goodness for all.
Beautiful ❤️