^ Unlimited Hangout - the technocrats, when more and more child trafficking gets exposed, will try to use this to get us to accept more surveillance, more digital ID and in their dream world, biodigital ID to “combat human trafficking,” just as both sides will agree on a digital wall, even though the traditional left rejects the idea of “build a wall.”
The best way to unbuild the wall without harming communities is to stop exploiting “developing countries” and to stop “developing them” towards the goals of the countries who have been competing to control, exploit and/or annex them.
Me: “ “Time flies when you’re having fun, telling the truth, hanging out with your love, dancing in nature and getting your water filter cleaned.”
Honey: “Did you say getting your culture cleaned?”
Me: “I said getting the water filtered cleaned, but yes, I’m working on getting the culture cleaned too, so yes, the filter does need cleaning.”
I got something in the mail from Kamala that specifically applies to my husband’s ethnicities, which include East Asian. He also spent summers on Hawaii with his dad who was born and raised there and eventually went to Harvard as one of the first minority students (and was told by Harvard not to forget why he was there.) Kamala was saying she wanted to stand up for Asian Americans and Hawaiian Pacific Islanders against all the hateful rhetoric around covid-19. The thing is, truth isn’t hateful. The truth is just…truthful. It’s the reasons why we state what we do and how we do it that result in whether or not the truth is used as a weapon to harm of a sword of truth to liberate from enslavement, oppression, lies and deceit. The truth is both my husband and I would be far more likely to vote at all if Kamala came out telling the truth about the unethical liaisons between US academia and China, the illegal lab busts and yes, China’s (and the US’) role in gain of function research that undoubtedly contributed to the shitdemic. And shit is the right word, because the virus was more prevalent in feces than saliva, but for some reason public health announcements didn’t encourage better hand washing or toilet sanitation nearly as much as masks, which yes, have notable, documented harms that I believe absolutely outweigh the benefits for most people, most of the time, and cannot be mandated due the their experimental nature and the risks involved. These harms include intellectual ones. Intellect is far from everything. But being able to think for oneself is becoming a rare privilege. It shouldn’t be considered a privilege at all, but an inalienable right, as well as a constitutional right. And thus, something that interferes with one’s bodily functions, diminishes childrens’ ability to recognize social cues and doesn’t have evidence to support it even being very if at all effective…should certainly not be forced on unwilling people. That is a violation of our inalienable and constitutional rights to freedom and the pursuit of happiness. How can we we be free to pursue happiness if we are not even free to think - to know what will make us happy? The fact that the disadvantage wears off after 4 hours of play to me is indicative that after 4 hours of play most chess players aren’t breathing well. I’ve seen how they sit scrunched up for hours over the boards…for smart people, they have terrible posture for breathing; if they had better posture, I am fairly certain improve their game.
~ The above is, I believe from Unlimited Hangout