*I just added an audio recording, inspired by
Check out his latest.Let Life
Let Life and its liver play
With your hair
Don’t fall into the lair
Of despair
Or charm
Of those who try to compel us to believe
We should continue to arm
Conflict abroad
Blessed are the Peacemakers
Not the life-takers
Remember to be thankful for Life
And its Giver
Remember to be a full
Let your Heart Beat
With Loving Care
Find the Unending Compassion
Beyond where you feel the scare
Root your legs
Don’t let them try to force you into inauthentic holes
Like pegs
Flexible knees
Swaying hips
Let Purity be on your heart
And Lips
Breathing into all you feel
Let yourself heal
Find your inner stability
Feel your agility
Beyond what you think is your ability
Let life breathe you into action or stillness
Beyond illness
And beyond all the silliness
Social or global or individual
Mass Formation
In Bodies or
or Psychoses
Wars abroad
Wars within
Grief for all
That has been or we wish had been
What do you Suppose
Is within your True Authentic Power?
There you goes!
Let yourself be choreographed by your Higher Self
Take your innate Holiness off the Shelf
Let your Innocence Drive
Choose to be FULLY
In Wonder
And in Truth
Beyond all that is uncouth
Lead with your True Soul
Connected to Source
Or let yourself be led
By Source feeding your Soul
Be the empty bone
Be the empty bowl
Sparkling your flesh into
Embodied Music
Find yourself Filled
Let yourself be Chilled
So you are no longer confused
True Source Love
Is Loving You
Loving All
Hear the Call
Find the Joy
Find the Humor
Let the Tears Fall
Crack Yourself up
So You Don’t Crack
Unless it’s to Crack Your Heart
Then Open it Wide
Do not Hide
From the Light
That Is You
That Wants to Truly
Authentically Shine Through!
Be more than a consumer or you will be consumed
Do not allow your heart or your pulse for freedom to be subdued
Your Sovereign Divinity
Is better than the dollar or the bit
True Ether
Unlike Ether—EEE—-Um
Is not controlled by JP Morgan/Blackrock
Because True Ether is Source-Backed
And Source has you, holds you, knows, you loves you
Beyond this form or any other forms
Beyond false norms
You are the love you are waiting for
Every time you see they innocence or joy of another
Remember they are but an aspect of the One
You are
Purest Innocence
Here to Co-Create
Beyond the Walls
Of Streets
The Innocence You Are
Beyond Penned Cities
Written to keep you locked inside
Yet Burst Open
Your Starburst
For Love is the Way
Peace is the Answer
Joy is the Revolution
Light of Source
Star-Love you are
Waiting to be reclaimed
Independent of if it is named
It’s one of the reasons
You Became You
Flow with the Flow
Divine Choreography guiding you
So You Know
You are always loved and cared for
It’s time to let go
Of all that’s kept you tied to the past
To what you once were
It’s time to Flow
Into Grace
Honor Your Feels
And be Guided
As You Allow More Space
For the Light infused in Water
To Fill Your Life
Your Inner Temple
With Liquid Hydration
Honest elevation
Electrons finding their jubilation
To Honor YOU
In Your Expression
Red dragonflies visited me in my garden again the other day.
Unlike Ether—EEE—-Um
At some point in reading your poem, Alicia, these words from the song 'North' came to me:
Let the years we're here be kind.
Let our hearts like doors open wide.
I sing this song in choir and sometimes I can't hold back the tears.