It is as important to honor your joy as it is to excavate your pain
Hence, I have engaged in a habit bed jump-dancing
Joy is an energy the world needs. If you’re reading this, you probably sense or even deeply understand this to be true.
Yet, it’s an uncomfortable time for the world at large. If you’re an empath, it can be physically uncomfortable, even if it’s far away, even if it’s not to do with you…and also if it’s someone you love or that is sitting next to you, who is operating from a vibration that stems from how they are experiencing life that isn’t in joy. To say the least.
Yet joy doesn’t die unless we do. Then it just rises out of the body like steam and returns to the ether of Earth, or Source. Joy loves to be expressed in and through the body. It is the energy of life. It is innocent. It is unfettered by micromanagement. It can be deeply heart opening, childlike in its exuberance, wild, elated, quiet, still. It is FREEING to express joy.
It is contagious. VERY contagious. If I’m feeling tapped into natural joy and I smile at someone, it takes a really committed grump or a deeply disconnected, disengaged person not to smile back. Some people have that commitment. Lots are less than committed to their misery, but no one has offered them better and they are used to it.
On the flip, there’s the faux happiness that is a cover for unfelt grief, unacknowledged fear and so on.
Liberating joy is not about hiding from what we fear or what we grieve. It’s about unlocking our natural love of life. The joy of allowing the vitality of our bodies to blend with the Source tha that animates us in a free spirited way. For me, music helps alot!
So does honoring the spiral path. If I’m having a feeling (and I have lots of them,) that is hurting myself, if I track it into my body, to where it lies and ask, “Who is there?” I find no one is there but awareness being aware of physiologic sensations. Oh what a relief. I am not that. What I felt may have been totally understandable and legitimate as a response to a particular experience but more than likely I’m also feeling-out (hopefully not acting out) inherited patterns combined with various re-enactments I’ve done within myself, that have also played out with the landscape of my outer life. Changing thoughts is easier when our feeling state is different. Changing our feeling state is easier when our thoughts are different.
The catch-22 has many exits and offramps if we exercise our power to dance with, for and through life and more specifically, to let LIFE dance through us. We can feel the pain of the world and recognize, the world is not that either. The world may be in pain, but the world is not that pain. The world also knows joy as its natural state. We can be messengers within Gaia’s body activating the global joy body even as the old world crumble, tumbles and fades away. The death and birth are simultaneous.
Joy is action that unlocks the joy of life that has simply been shut down by…name your inner or outer struggle in your pain-alchemey journey.
Who would you be without your pain? Can you love and accept whatever you are experiencing and open to the unkown mystery of your becoming?
Can you put down the need to sort yourself into clarity and let yourself take a break to let your unfettered joy express itself for a moment or two? Car dance. Skip across the intersection when the walk sign goes on. Remember the time you let yourself be so silly you couldn’t stop laughing with that friend. Cry if emotions come up. We spiral. We weave joy into the tapestry. The tears are included too.
Beautiful writing! Surrendering to the beauty of the moment is a practice all in itself! Joy is a choice! 🙏❤️
Great topic and I love where you go. I have been contemplating happiness and thinking of writing about it this week. It is nice to see a similar theme here!