Innocence, Light, Wounds & Wonder
And a shout out to another stacker

This is a beautiful piece from Nicole/AKA Sadbh (You can read the whole piece here):
“Shine like a star”, we say. Which star though, I ask myself? We call celebrities stars, but do they really shine brighter? Or does the spotlight simply let them shine so that someone who walks by can’t look away. Does the spotlight not reduce their light, take away from their brilliance and their soft, ancient wisdom that they carry inside their souls? Does it highlight their true essence? Don’t we get blinded by the bright reflection, not being able to see neither human nor the soul as the rays are backfiring onto our deepest wounds of not enoughness?
We don’t need to look outside of us to find the light. We are the light. Sometimes, we are trapped. The deep tunnel of shame and old wounds enclose us. If we follow the light, we’ll find a way out.
~ aka Nicole
The Flower and The Sun
Can you be the flower and the sun of your own light?
Receiving from that which is your true right?
Your sovereign innocence
The dance
I dare
To dance it with flare
Solar flare
Beyond a care
Yet with compassion
For the parts of us that do
That do or don’t want others to stare
Can you be the water droplets of delight
Quenching thirst of all that is parched
All of the way to your own roots
Let go of giving two hoots
About what others think
Unless it is You soul causing you to pause on the brink
So that you words or actions will not cause another to sink
Connected to everything
Yet sovereign in your being
As an expression divine and precious of the One Seeing
Seeing/been seen
As you
And the light is reflecting back to your own eyes
To behold
God in all?
Can you untie the knots of believing you are unworthy to be made of pure light
Told to you in realms distorted
By this or that paradigm of littleness and fright
Worthy as a strong mountain
Innocent as dewdrop on flower
Kissed by sun’s pure light
The darkness of soil
The Mother Space
Of innocence itself
Sparking, gestating
The miracle
Unseen birthing
Cresting the birth into the light
Holding all that is born and unborn
The Source/source of all that comes to light
The zero and the one
Are closest
To one another
I noticed when we were playing cards
Yet within the one
Sometimes we find within ourselves
Sharp shards
Old beliefs that cling
Even when we know they are ones
That we would like to place with the discards
In the light that dissolves all back into
Feel it all
Allow the love
That permeates the all
To gently rock, tend and when ready, release
All that was so that
You can feel it all
That which is now
Occurring as an arising
to be held
feel it all
The soil in your hands
wisp of flower brushing your cheek
Beyond the ideas on which we geek
Beyond the need to sort and seek
To define what is dumb
And what we can or should even speak
To be everything is to be nothing
To be nothing is to hold everything
From the love that infuses it all
We can hold it all
The very small
The places still crying
The ones that wanted it to be different
The ones that felt too different
The ones that wanted to be seen or invisible
That wished the world were less divisible
From the space of nothing
The nothing is filled with love
The light of love
Births the stars
The stars and tears of heaven
Become the water and the soil
The light that shines
So flowers can grow
Into blossoms upon this earth
Here for a little while
Bloom without holding back
The infinite light bursting from
Your soul into form
To birth a sovereign paradigm of peace
By Alicia Kwon
Oh thank you so much for sharing the writing! Beautiful ponderings, so much Love in this! Have a wonderful day!