Have I told you today that I am grateful for you? I am grateful you are on this journey and we are learning to shine together, regardless of circumstances, like the light-be-ers we are here to be!
I am so full of gratitude today. Today literally the skies cleared and revealed for at least several hours, a pure, immaculate sparkly sky, full of birdsong and air warm enough to stand in with only a sweater. Everything in me felt sweet in a fresh way that I’ve never actually felt like that before. The energy is new. I am new.
Are you feeling it, this becoming what you’ve never been before?
My heart felt wider than the sky and I couldn’t help smiling a partially toothless smile at the expansiveness I felt after such an arduous couple of weeks. I shed a lot of emotional layers of pain, in addition to the physical. Each day since I had the dental stuff done last Tuesday has gotten just a little lighter. When we set out for the dentist my loving husband drove there safely in sleet and then safely home in the midst of dark clouds following a deep freeze in my state. Yesterday I stopped taking pain meds, but was still in a good bit of discomfort. And I felt largely pain free. YAY! Yesterday it was lighter…but still cloudy all day long. Today…today…today….the sun came out!!!! And I felt pain free unless I press or chew the wrong spot. I even tried eating solid food. It was a bit iffy, but I wolfed some yummy omelette down, even if I didn’t chew it all the way!
WhenI stepped outside into the sunny air of Imbolc, everything in me expanded in joy.
I wrote this Haiku:
Cloud cover lighter
Birds singing a happy song
Blue sky opens my heart sings
The other day, in a moment of duress due to the pain I was in, Ashlynn hurled herself onto my lap and I couldn’t help asking hubby to take a picture. I was having a pretty tough time, and she brought a smile to my face. The book in the background is the one I recommended by Mark Charles.
The picture below I took today, feeling so full of gratitude, and excited for the year of the Dragon!
Glad you are feeling better...and on the road to ease again. Lovely photos.
I am feeling it and it makes the pain portals and massive shadow work of the last few months feel like stepping stones and not the murky soup they were during the fall. Sending you ease as you continue on your way out of the pain portal and into the sun ☀️