While the old world tears itself apart, how can we nurture the world we do want?
How can we be lighthearted, even as heaviness is ever present in the field?
Well, humor, joy and light are POWERFUL!
Last night I had my son read Wikipedia’s entry on one of Donald Trump’s mentors, Roy Cohn. I knew of Cohn’s history from Whitney Webb, but it was surreal to read about it right there on Wikipedia, including some new things. He was a lawyer for various high level government people, and also various mob bosses. He was deemed responsible for the execution of a couple, wrongly. But the tone of the piece is still just so ho-hum that one has to wonder at the apparent normalcy of such contradictions that are in fact so normal, yet usually unseen until after the fact that the ho-humness is disconcerting, almost funny. Including in Wiki’s bio of Cohn is the fact that he participated in blackmail stuff too. He was very anticommunist, as were many involved in right wing lavender scare weird antics from that era that may be precursors to what we are learning about Jeffrey Epstein’s web of influence. I’ve believed in my heart for a long time that communism and stakeholder capitalism are the same thing.
The moral of story is don’t be communist and don’t be anti-communist.
What are the alternatives? What would our world look like filled with loving, Source-connected people who seek Wisdom that honors all and generates solutions that are genuinely applicable to address immediate and root cause concerns?
There are so many ways it could work! We could have libertarian communalism. We could have councils of Wisdom Keepers. We could have the equivalent of jury duty for various aspects of governance. We could move into an era when we choose leaders intuitively, understanding who has the gifts and skills to lead compassionately and wisely, rather than who is the best manipulator with the biggest blackmail over everyone’s heads.
I made a joke with my husband and son, referencing a line from Zootopia, about Roy Cohn, though I don’t know for sure - he may have been friendly without being a person of integrity, at least if friendliness defined as the below the pants kind. Whether or not he was friendly I was feeling funny.
“He’s the opposite of friendly. He’s UNFRIENDLY,” I said playfully to my husband and son. I couldn’t remember where I heard the quote, and they reminded me it was Zootopia. “Who said it,” I inquired. “The mob boss,” my guys said. Later, my son clarified it was actually the guy making the poison berry darts under threat from the mob boss. Either way, we all had a good laugh. I tried to look up the quote or a video clip, with no luck, but we did find the super funny one with the sloths at the DMV:
“What do you call a three humped camel?”
And here’s a fresh one, which I will share with you, because it just popped in my head:
What do you call a blackmail party with high level government officials? A three humped camel.
Can we acknowledge how bad things are and still see and find and create with the light? With light heartedness?
Besides learning to laugh at insanity, what we if we say…
YES to Integrity
YES to joyful solutions
YES to ending ALL genocides
YES to healing humanity and mother earth, beyond false agendas, including those that masquerade as benevolent on either side.
Anything with sides is usually just us getting played. Anything that offers nourishment and inspiration and encourages individual discernment, while seeing in the larger picture…including that fact that we are all only here for a little while and it’s all a dream anyway…are more likely to be rooted in genuineness and lead to the healing of humanity and the growth of ways of doing/being life that aren’t replays of old scripts that lead to old dramas.
Chuck the gameboard of right versus left
Refuse to play chess or checkers or anything that makes you exploit others for your win
Grow a garden, but don’t eat what is poison for you, even if it is medicine for someone else
A shaman I mentored with long ago told me, “Be the energy of what you want to see in the world. Even if what you want to see doesn’t exist in this world, love passionately your vision to bring it into being so much that even if you are the only one, BE THAT THING.
This is such a beautiful post. I normally don’t get on here so late but I’m glad I did for this. It was the perfect reminder of why I keep dreaming, hoping and being what I want to see in this world. Thank you ☀️