I went to one of those places with waiting rooms, where you have to sign those forms. I said to the woman at the. counter, that I specifically want to refuse consent for my data to be shared with fb pixels or anything like that, since I know HIPAA is bullshit. She said with a knowing smile, kind of like the insider grin of the German young woman in my post the other day about democracy, “I know. I’m just doing my job.”
I asked her what tips she had for navigating the surveillance absurdities. She didn’t know. ‘I just feel I’m just. going along like a guinea pig over here.’
I had already made a joke with her because I misheard something or other she said, as murshid, and I said, “Oh that sounds like a guru.” She said, “Oh I wish.” I can’t even remember what the actual thing she said was, but I remembered what I heard. Isn’t that funny how we all tend to do that? Well I know she was open to spiritual things, so I mentioned The Sophia Code and idea that inside our own bodies we have access to the sovereign divine genome of our Higher Self, and that when enough of us activate it, it will shine away all the false…whatever. All that stuff.
My husband was nice enough to fill out the form me, with me glancing over his shoulder to add or correct anything. I added the things I do not consent for in my own handwriting. I screenshotted it.
The woman who saw me before the doctor also understood about energy. I told her how pain meds don’t effect me the way they do most people - for better and for worse - for better because I am not prone to be addicted because I don’t get high from them and in typical doses they either don’t work or make me a little tired, but I generally am a fast metabolizer, without any “ups” from it. The down side is really the same thing because, well, in typical doses, they don’t address my pain if it’s really bad, and sometimes with the issue I’ve been dealing with, it can be really bad. Since I have to have a procedure, I wanted to be clear that the last time I had a procedure, the maximum amount of numbing medicine did not bring me under the thresh hold of totally excruciating pain. She smiled and said, “Oh we’ve got all the goodies.” She showed me the drawer and nodded confidently and happily. I laughed. I told her in general, I prefer sober dancing and meditation to any kind of meds.. She was like, “I’m so with you.” When I went for imaging and could feel weirdness coming off the CT, she said, “I know it’s weird going in there,” and I explained, “Oh it’s not the physical fact of going in, it’s the energy,” she said, “I understand get it.” I got through it, with my husband sending me good vibes from the door. After, I asked her if she would make me a copy of my imaging for halloween
Thank you Alicia, shining bright and making connections. 🙏🌀
I hope your procedure goes well, Alicia. Nice that you had someone supportive in the office.