Hello everyone!
Welcome to the New Subscribers!
I never really know what is going to happen that is going to find its way to my pen or what I am going to be led to talk or write about, so being here is an adventure - and it’s not for the faint of heart. Years ago I had a client who described m as “ruthlessly loving.”
I am direct by nature. I tend not to be lukewarm. I am probably an undiagnosed neurodivergent. I love to connect but not at the expense of authenticity or telling an important truth.
Considering how much I love the truth, the truth is, there can be a lot of resistance to it on the way to allowing it to set us free, bit by bit. I don’t really like the word, but I am happy to be a way shower for walking through things, however I am interested in being sieve so that only that which can truly benefit (in a non-exploitive way) from what I offer is here, and those who stay are those where it feels all-way win.
I am a half Jewish woman who supports the full human rights of Palestinians, equally and under the law and in practice.
I am pro-immigrant pro Indigenous and pro holding traffickers really, really accountable, including the elite echelons of those who do immense harm to children and young adults.
I am pro ending regime change, weapons dealing, military profiteering and all other forms of oppression that lead to refugee crisis.
I don’t believe in Electric cars or Wind Turbines, because I believe they are harmful to people and planet. I believe aluminum manufacturing, as well as aluminum products are incredibly harmful, including the satellites and spacecraft launched at ever increasing rates which are harming our ozone and contributing to climate concerns. I believe SRM is happening without our consent, along with infrasound aural experiments that I can audibly hear, whether or not others can. I pray all of it stops and we seek win/win solutions that truly in harmony with Mother Nature.
I don’t believe in tokenizing resources for vulnerable people/peoples - or anyone else -making their access contingent on conformity. I believe all way win solutions are available and will only increase. We only need insist on declining the attempt to acquire our consent by being faced with false limited options.
I am pro voice on all healthcare matters. I am also pro-choice. Scientific and dissent and dissent based on personal conscience, spirituality and religion must be allowed. I believe we have been stupefied by fluoride and the barrage of stimulation and that simple joys like dancing and breathing and appreciating the value of a human connection are vital.
I’d rather fewer subscribers and have everyone be the “right” people. As a result, I periodically remove or block subscribers who either don’t feel like a vibrational match for the space, or I’m not sure, but spirit doesn’t tell me not to remove!
Even if I remove/block, I do so with the best of wishes.
Love and Blessings!
Alicia, I appreciate you sharing what you are all about. I may not agree with all you said. I do find it refreshing that you said it. Thank you. D
You truly are a unicorn! 🦄💕💕💕 I love you speaking truth and being you to the fullest! 🤍🤍🤍