Tiny paw prints
And Dance-ful
A bunny
A squirrel
A Prancer
Heart that sits still
Beyond that which stumps me
Your seat could
Be this stump
That is a heart
That would gladly hold up your rump
But unless you want a wet bum
Wear snow pants
As you are seated
On the heart
That reminds you be seated in your heart
You could also stand on it
Stretch your arms to the sun
Like branches
Or become whispy
Like clouds
In the blue sky
That holds your innocence
Beyond whether or whom or what or why
Whether you laugh or cry (open out your chest and find a cry can turn into a laugh)
Allow the sky dancers
To support you
As you catch a draft (not the draft)
Life is in motion
And the stillness holds it all
Whether skies are clear
Or you are in wonder
As you watch
Snow flakes whirl-twirl
Dancing crystals
Winter is here
And it begins the march toward Spring
What is it that your heart wants to bring
To open
To receive
To conceive
Beyond last year’s heave?
Heaven within
Is it calling you?
Birth it within
And let it spread out
Shine like a diamond
Compost like a stump
Let yourselves be covered
You’ll recover
And if you need to dive into the covers
Snuggle in
Winter Wonderland
Is holding you snuggled
Until you’re ready to emerge
Merge with that which is True
Unglue from what is no longer you
Sit in the light
That holds out a little longer
Each time you turn inward to the wonder
As you sit with yourself in wonder
In peace
Beyond all that stumps
Find your ease
I love this stump!
this made me smile big