Who would you be
If I were you and you were me
Yet individuality
We celebrated
As our divinely
Inspired unity
Sovereign uniqueness
Even cheekiness
Unity speakingness
Understanding multiplicities of perspectives
Without dominating objectives?
Birthing from our wombspace
Beyond the tombspace
Into the life abundant
World of mysteries
To discover
With joyful
Never to plunder
A heart womb does not belong only to women
But to all who know we come from the Mother
In her image
We are created
Sophia Christ
The space between the lattices
Our unique oversoul code
What if we turned into a joyful
Of peace for all
This Mothers
Peace Day
I bless all life
And from the womb space
Of my I AM
I welcome the light of love’s LIFE
To birth through me more fully
This heavenly reality
We are here to inspire
To conspire
To dance
To sing
To bring
Soon roses
There buds starting
On branches unimposing
No one posing
As anything but what they truly are
We are here to bloom
A single seed of Dandelion
Look close and it’s a star
With an earth center
So that the sun can land
Within this land
Where you and I each have a hand
To nurture one another
And live beyond the bland
To our unique star symphony
Among the flowers
We are a loyal band
Blossom unconditionally
We choose, with Mother Lilac
Father Sky
Brother Milkweed
Sister Lily of the valley
To take our stand
And give our gifts
Whether or not
Another understands
We follow love’s commands
And open our hearts
To the fragrance of Grace
Miracles of Peace
Loving all Life
Forgiving atrocities past
Finding a way to the abundant joy
That allows peace to last
As Mothers and those who carry within them the heartwomb of God, regardless of gender
We say to one another across the lands
We will never again allow our children to become sacrifices in Lucifer’s hands
And we will not give them over to sinister plans
We bless the Mothers and heart womb carriers of every land
We bless the children of our whole family of love-light
We do not appease sinister demands
For we are one love
We uninvert the evil, including all those unnecessary scans
We choose to fully LIVE
Thank you Julia Ward Howe, and Alicia.
www.LifeNews.com, FertilityWhisperers @ Fertility Whisperers SubStack.
Let us restore the sanctity of Motherhood…..
For all Mothers of the World:
May the Sun bring warm energy to you by day.
May the Moon softly restore you by night.
May the Rain wash away your worries.
May the Breeze blow new strength into your being and spirit.
May you walk gently through the world and know
its beauty all the days of your Life.
—Apache Prayer.