A Cosmic conversation about fashion and Spirit that only happened because our car's warning light came on and we had to take it in. And a little video of a bee with reflections.
Cosmic bees are my friends. I have a lot of cosmos in the garden, and a lot of bees. This morning I took a few moments to appreciate the bees delightfully hopping from cosmo to cosmo, as the flowers gracefully held each bee, the stems bouncing with graceful resilient splendor each time one landed. When we first moved in there was this tree on the terrace in front of our home they injected to “treat” it for Emerald Ash Borer, and every time they did, many bees suddenly died for became ill. For several years I was a bee healer. Some made a miraculous comeback and for others I offered hospice services. I taught the boys next door to value bees instead of squishing them as they had done before. “They are my friends,” I said. “Please don’t hurt them.” A few times they brought me sick or wounded bees and birds and I did the same for them and showed them how to offer love and healing energy, even if the animal was ready to move on. I also contacted my alders to ask them to stop spraying. I was told the substance was harmless according to research. I told them I believe my own eyes, regardless of the research (knowing as I do how research can be greatly biased by special interests and poor study design, as communicated specifically about this area to me by two UW grad students I once met at the Arboretum) and to please stop anyway. The guy got snarky and responded that I didn’t need to worry about them spraying since it was an injection. I asked him to stop injecting the tree. So they cut it down. I love trees and I was not glad to see it go and I believe in my heart there is probably a natural way to support trees vulnerable to Emerald Ash Borer that is benign to insects like bees, however, in this instance if they weren’t open to exploring that, it felt aligned, and I had a wonderful, magickal experienced whereby the construction workers who are not technically allowed to leave behind stumps when they cut, lovingly looked they other way as they accidentally rolled a few over to my yard. I accidentally throw a bag of healthy snacks toward their truck. Woops. Every since, bees have thriving. The logs have helped regenerate the sandy soil in my front yard, growing mushrooms and decomposing and providing a wonderful seat where my husband sometimes sits while we have coffee while I sit on the ground, and where squirrels enjoy perching as they munch on black walnuts and other goodies from our space. This morning I sat on the wooden path that curves across our yard, as I often do, and watched the bees and the cosmos as I waited for my husband to be ready to drop off our Prius for an unexpected repair.
My husband works in urgent care and was driving home late at night when the dashboard alerted him “Check hybrid system, stop vehicle in a safe place.” He made it home fine, and we both felt intuitively fine about one more outing just down the road for coffee. I had an intuitive nudge when to call and I did and making the appointment was graceful and fast. We got in next day - today. An inspiration struck me that he could drop me off at a little spot with coffee and wifi on his way to bring the car, and then meet me there. We have one car in our family, as we have for over ten years. We used to pack five Kwons in that car - which we will get to do again very soon when our oldest daughter visits. She is 21, can you believe it? AMAZES me, every time I think about it. I planned to use the time to peruse some comments in a forum and listen to some Lee Harris teachings on business development. Business development is a weird topic for me, as it is antithetical to my soul to make it a main end and my life does not require it at this time. Yet I desire greatly to expand my impact on this beautiful world. One way is through business. I like to think of it more like creative synchronous networking and exchange of light and services that benefit all, in all ways and all directions.
Anyway. I sat down, got out my laptop and earbuds before heading over to the counter to order. I know a lot of the baristas in town, including the fabulous human who made my cappuccino. I’ll call her Anne - not her real name. After sitting and perusing the comments, including one that absolutely lit me up from a woman who survived sex trafficking and is now very profoundly plugged into Source consciousness and is able to be a portal to help people heal from trauma through her spiritual attunement as well as training with Daniel Seigle and Godspotting, among other tools. I wrote a comment to her expressing my deep gratitude for who she is, all she has survived and all she is bringing to earth, and she responded with a beautiful recognition of our monad connectedness, as well as how she sees and feels me as a being, in both my soulness and my incarnation. WOW! I am very please to share her work, which you can find here.
I took a few more sips of cappuccino and then went over to talk to Anne, asking her about her kid, which led to some deep sharing, as well as complimenting the awesome pumpkin-sitting-on-cat decoration on one of the coffeeshop shelves that I had been admiring. It seemed like a cool alternative to Cindarella and the pumpkin carriage. Why not just ride in a pumpkin, on a cat, yeah? Anne next offered a wonderful reflection question: “How do you feel about Halloween?”
‘For me, it’s a mixed bag. In the Tibetan tradition, they get out scary stuff with the conscious intention of transcending fear of it…to look at it and become able to be unafraid. Like the Magdalenes, who, according to Kaia Ra, incarnate in the darkest of places to shine the greatest of light, I think there is great value if this is done with this intent. However, I’m not into scary stuff for it’s own sake, nor do I wish to amplify it. I’d much rather have a costume party filled with joy and love peace and fun and brilliant creativity, silliness and pure, high vibes.’
Anne replied, ‘Yeah, I’m wish you on the scary stuff. I don’t like to scare myself for fun, either. There’s enough scary stuff in the real world. What I get into about Halloween is that I love making costumes for my kid. I love that it’s a thing we do together, a way we connect.’
“Oh I love that…and how amazing that you can make your own costumes. I really admire that…wow. So cool,” I said.
I learned from there that Anne’s background is in fashion design and that she works for a fair trade fashion company from which I have bought on many occasions! I even did a local charity fashion show wearing one of the outfits, circa 2018, give or take. Because of the pandemic (whether you think it was mostly of fear or you still believe the establishment news,) that company no longer had the demand level to retain her design services, but she still does social media stuff for them.
Soon my husband arrived, kissed me on the cheek and went to the room where you can take a leak. A customer came, wearing a Maui shirt, and the conversation Anne and I were having reached a pause. I complimented the guys shirt and asked if he’s spent time on Maui. “No, I just love surfing,” he said. “That’s cool,” I said. “Maui can use a lot of love and prayers right now.” "He resonated and said, “That’s for sure.”
May the True People of Maui rise and stand strong in their sovereignty, finding win-win solutions from the ground up,free of any interference from the WEF. May they experience a full and miraculous healing of all grief, all trauma. May the light shine upon all divine humanity, embodying Truth with Purity and Love.

As we walked home my wonderful partner and I talked about how cool it would be to have a local textile mill, along with a factory to turn all our invasive species into various usable forms for a local, sustainable way of life. People could be paid a fair wage, as well as have opportunity for ample apprenticeships in various fields. Anne could be the fashion designer. Others could be herbalists, the industrial hemp brick makers, others the chefs, medical cooks, paper-makers and on and on. the Imagine if we grew organic, fair trade (fill in the blank - hemp or something else versatile and feasible that is good for earth, as well as supportive of humanity,) and had all the local infrastructure to turn it into what we need, as well as that which supports a beautiful and fulfilling and wonderful way of life for all?
How do you feel about Halloween?
What would a win-win-win world look like to you, where sovereignty, imagination, unity and God consciousness are daily features for all who want to experience life as a divine, organic symphony of fun and unlimited potential expressed in total alignment with Divinity within and the Divine Will of whatever you call God?
What does it mean to you to face your greatest fears, yet to focus on being the loving, pure and unstoppable light of True God - that God that can shine through each and every one of us to the extent we allow it and allow Spirit to assist us to move through our hindrances - be they beliefs, wounds, circumstances or all of the above in some combination?
Every year when the cherry blossoms come out, I stick my whole head in to be among the bees swarming around it. People think I am crazy or that I will get stung, but I know that the bees know that I am their friend. Plenty of nectar for all!