Hafiz, Dog, Woman (sort of) on a toilet
Brief reflections on how we may live, shine and laugh through Solstice
Dog born in Alabama, most likely thinking, “Love the sun…really love the sun, but so cold.”
Happy December!
I woke up feeling like a truck ran over me this morning, but yesterday, for bits of the day, the energy felt lighter. I can almost feel us moving past solstice - that time when the light returns even stronger than before.
Love yourself tenderly in these times. Others may or may not be a place to support, but the light that IS you, is always there. I have always loved this poem by Hafiz. In a world were even attention tends to be transactional, what would it be like if we simply follow our own Inner True North - our Pure Love Star - give where we are aligned to the Divine to do so - walk our own way when it is not, and be open to receiving, yet knowing we are self-Sourced - we are Sourcing from the Source?
Even after all this time
The sun never says to the earth,
“You owe Me.”
Look what happens with
A love like that,
It lights the Whole Sky.
~ Hafiz
Oh and don’t forget to laugh.