Here is the short version: I got bit. By a cat that is one of the official cats of Mad Cat, a local pet store in my neighborhood-ish. Super flukey occurrence, as I’ve petted the cat before without any issue. As a result, some super neat things happen - you might even call them magickal. I ended up going to the clinic to get an antibiotic script I never even ended up needing to take. A guy in the waiting room who works as a researcher asked me to explain what energy is on a spiritual level. I told the woman I saw at the health clinic my views on certain injectibles and after a brief awkward stretch, she got over it. She ended up giving me a huge, long hug and thanking me for the compassion I bring. I complimented the lady at the pharmacy on her glasses and she complimented me on my energy.
Tomorrow I may write a fuller version.
After the magickal events that happened as a result of my cat bite, my symptoms of concern resolved like magick.
Enjoy the video below if you haven’t seen it yet. It’s truly wonderful. It reminds me of a series we’ve read as family: The Horses Know by Lynn Mann
Quote from the video above:
“In fact there’s more lovely people than nasty ones, really. It’s just the ones who cause the trouble that makes the headlines all the time.”
Who would you become if you believed you could fully feel, fully heal and be who you are here to be, regardless of circumstance? How potent and radiant you are when you love yourself as you are and let the light shine through you! You are an expression of source? You are here to be YOU, as no one else can. Whta if you allowed yourself to be full light of light, even when you’re going through stuff?
Who is this you are stepping into, full of LIFE, FREE, BEAUTIFUL, compassionate, miracle-commanding,, integrity-bringing, loving, peaceful and joy-filled? You don’t have to neglect the sad parts; rather in embracing them with unconditional love, you will become more spacious for the light! If you’re heart is breaking, let it break out to reveal more of your True Self!
Exactly. The bad people out there are either given to evil (handlers) or manipulated by evil (assets).
"Ignoring that millions were programmed by MK-Ultra won't make the problem go away"
Tommy Robinson has been battling MK-Ultra assets for decades