How can I stay with myself, more, better, with increased self-love, care and faithful adoration and compassion, without latching on to this or that as needing to continue to define, but only refine and liberate me to further express anew?
What would it be like to never leave my own side - or better yet my own own fullness - front, back, center, breadth, width, depth, heigh, layers, spacious emptiness and all that is in between?
Might this make me a better lover of the world and all that is?
Might it be a recipe for sanity when much of all that is at play is playing at war or unrest?
Might rest be a soulution
That empowers
And helps us to shed
What we must
So we can be our purest iteration of
Our own Godself
I came across this in Vanity Fair, presented to me compliments of pocket. I rarely click on things. Mostly, if I bother to do anything, I dismiss, dismiss, dismiss. Selection by attrition of what is not appropriate for me at this time. I am awed at the irony and inversion that to find a balanced, truthful exploration of a topic relevant to all, I must go to a magazine I would have, a few years ago, equated with Glamour. I always question why I am being told something - even if I am being told part of the truth. Glamour and VF are both owned by Conde’ Nast Publications, along with GQ, Modern Bride, Wired,The New Yorker, Madamoiselle, Teen Vogue and others. Conde Nast was founded by Montrose Conde Nast is wholly owned by Advanced Publications, which a family company owned by the grandsons of Si (Sam) Newhouse. It is headquartered in The World Trade Center.
The whole article is worth a read if you feel aligned. Of course the way they frame it is interesting and led to a lively conversation at lunch. For example, my son pointed out that it is framed in terms of the “coming” Avian dem. The picture is of a masked individual. Is it possible they are telling the truth but guiding us with propaganda appealing to our unconscious for where to herd us in how we integrate it into our consciousness?
If this topics isn’t for you, that is totally okay. You may be led to be educated about things I am led to let go by. We don’t all have to give our attention to everything. But we might want to have our discernment antennae out so we can make life honoring choices for ourselves and those entrusted to us.
But while on the topic, does anyone know where I can get eggs that aren’t going to be vaccinated with avian flu mrna?
I am heartened to see people beginning to love the journey toward internal resonance as a barometer of what does and does not sit right, rather than exo-contracting our views to influencers.
May we root into Mama Earth, feel the sun, spread your branches, SHINE. Or dance inside your own pyramid of gold.
You are that. No lab leak can take away the gold you are. No human frailty can touch your sovereign divinity.
Every storm clears. Beyond this dark cloud is a dark, windy night I already made it through.
Another morning of haze cleared already.
Another line that undilineated itself already cleared.
A pure sky shining with light.
Whatever we must traverse along the way
Our creations, surrendered to Divine Love and Divine Will, are clear skies and glorious suns and natural clouds and thunder beings and lightning insights that cleanse, nurture, heal and protect the Innocence of our heart, creating peace for all of humanity, grounded in integrity, respect and reverence for organic LIFE!
You are glorious!