Have you ever wondered why the Irish have been so persecuted, alongside indigenous peoples the world over? Maybe it’s because they ARE an indigenous people. Indigeneity, as far as I understand it isn’t about color. It’s about being the ones an oppressive group has sought or is seeking to stamp out whether by absorption/replacement/assimilation/identity and language annihilation or by active genocide.
Have you ever wondered why Gaelic isn’t still a commonly spoken language?
Or why Amernians have been targeted? Or why caucasoid people in Japan were until recently gaslit in the same ways as darker skinned Indigenous peoples of elsewhere?
By indigenous, I intend the people who were there before the oppressors, or at least the latest oppressors, because humanity is so full of migrations that flow like waves incoming and outgoing, beyond a unilateral direction, full of admixtures along the way. I also have a hunch that indigenous, persecuted peoples tend to be those who carry lineages of prehistory that some would like to forget or not remember with any accuracy. When I tried to look up my hypothesis that artificial engineering of genetics happened in prehistory, weird things happened to my browser. Hmmm.
Armenians, for example, are an indigenous people. The Roma are thought to have originally descended from Northern India and traveled through Persia/Iran/Caucuses into Europe. It is also likely indigenous people traveled from the levant to what is now India.
I have been curious about the threads that bind people targeted for annihilation, including, at times, annihilation at the hand of other target people, often through complex psyops, alongside cultural infiltration and co-opting by sold out individuals or “privileged” representatives of targeted groups who are used to ensure compliance.
Origins of the ‘drunken Irish’ stereotype
“As Walsh observed in 1962, cultural associations between excessive drinking and the Irish date from over two millennia, when Plato noted the Celts as being ‘drunken and combative’.Footnote 3 According to Elizabeth Malcolm, in her history of Irish temperance, from the sixteenth-century critical depictions of Irish drinking habits were routinely used to justify the attempted colonisation of an ‘uncivilised’ people.Footnote”
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 15 December 2020
This piece shows how a particularly influential man with some interesting ideas but whose “science” really was pseudoscience, managed to identify colonial trauma and anti-English feelings of aggression with alcoholism, while gaslighting the Irish people at the same time. This is so similar to the situation among the peoples of Turtle Island who were deceived, dominated, coerced, misled and often violently forced into abandoning their original as
calls it “free and independent existence,” and forced into dependence, while being then denigrated on the basis of patterns of suffering induced by oppression, by people like John Muir.The modern conservation movement began at dawn on December 8, 1850, above the north fork of California’s San Joaquin River. Soft orange light had just begun to spill over the craggy peaks of the eastern mountains overlooking what was then known as the Ahwahnee Valley, causing the jagged minarets to ignite like still burning embers from the Indian campfires below.
All remained still inside the wigwams of the Ahwahneechee camp. But an attuned ear might have noticed that the early morning trills of the hermit thrush were strangely absent. A disturbed silence had entered the forest, broken only by the occasional clumsy snap of twigs as if from an animal unfamiliar with its surroundings. There was also the faint smell of smoke.
Suddenly, fires roared to life throughout the camp as multiple wigwams were engulfed in flame. White men quickly scattered from the light and into shadow. A party of vigilantes in the company of Major John Savage of the “Mariposa Battalion” had used embers from the Indians’ own campfires to set the shelters ablaze. It was a tactic that those with experience in the Indian Wars knew to inspire panic, relying on the element of surprise. Dozens of Ahwahneechee fled their burning wigwams as the fire rapidly spread to the surrounding forest. Thick plumes of smoke were bathed in a searing glow that was also now descending from the rocky peaks above.
“Charge, boys! Charge!” bellowed Lieutenant Reuben Chandler. A heavy drumbeat of footfalls now joined the sound of crackling pine as thirty men dashed from the surrounding bushes with their rifles. “So rapid and so sudden were the charges made,” wrote chronicler Lafayette Bunnell, “that the panic stricken warriors at once fled from their stronghold.”
The researchers state that Atlantis Ireland was devastated by a huge tsunami triggered by a comet that hit earth over 11,000 years ago.
The video purports the theory that the Irish were the first people in the world to develop an advanced civilization, including boats, fishing, agriculture, and metalwork and that their legacy can be seen all over the world.
It argues that this advanced technology is in keeping with the belief that Atlantis was one of the most advanced places in the world before its destruction.
An ironic lawsuit. Same players, different suits. But where is the lawsuit to have the Ahwenee people get the land back, or at least some of the money from the hotel named after them after they got genocided off their land? The same land they tended so well that it was like a garden to the very people who despised them and felt they had no place on the land?