A little empathy can go so far
Those who love us
In the soul way
And see our light
And when life feels hard
Lifting another up
Can bring us up to par
To meet what we find
To come home to ourselves
Connection that is real
Is never something you can steal
Offered freely
It is the gold
The light dancing among us, me to you
You to me
That tree
As you
As me
This play
Your Niche
Your Energy Signature
Of the Same
We Are
In these bodies
We can cuddle
Not make haste
Foot touching earth or concrete
Eyes meeting Sky
The sky in one another
Birthing rays that hold
In Light
That sometimes has a physical arm
Others its the energy that is warm
Across miles God knows how many
The heart doesn’t care
It is glad for the company
Of those who understand
Not because their experience is identical
But because their soul is in a harmony
A resonance
A neighborhood of frequency
That frequents enough of the same
To understand
And to stand
With us
P.S. The IRS hasn’t gotten back yet, but this snuggle from my dog happened. And my husband and I ordered new Christmas ornaments from Serrv.org (our old ones were lost in a move) - among them is a unicorn.
Blessings and Love To You And Yours, Alicia
A beautiful sound I'm sure 😄 It'll definitely be special and bring extra magic! It'll praynce rainbows around you just as you deserve ❤️
Beautiful ❤️ Love the sound of your unicorn ornament too 🦄