Before and after my dance walk
Shadow, formless
Light taking form
Why did you think the shadow was real
When it’s a beautiful, tall and regal tree?
And why did you think milkweed is anything less than ethereal
Everything is becoming unreal
And the real is shining through
Showing us its ethereal nature
In the illusory shadows cast
Even when you’ve had your fair share of tears
Shadows and fears
Are giving way to seeds birthed from heaven’s etherial rays
Coming for you, for us, by Her Might Winds
God’s luscious Grace
To This, our Human Race
Open up your heart, life your eyes to the skies
And cast your burdens on Him who holds them with you, with ease
As we move through this tumult that has brought so many of us to our knees
Rise Rise Rise
You bow to no one
In Surrender to God, She will not have you laid low
But restored to your God-given flow
No need to be low or high
Just let out that sigh
And if you need to, have a cry
Then lift your wings
Let go of old things
All that clings
Hold it gently
Until all of you Sings
In surrender and JOY
Beyond Ploy
Beyond Coy
Strong You Are
Sister Brother Star
Dog Star Wolf Star
Women who Run with Them
Alicia Kwon 2024
Symbols are almost always out in front of me and few live in head. Jung might say I’m less talented in my unconscious because I’m half Jewish. But when I look around at indigenous cultures and learn even the littlest about their symbolic maps of reality, what I find is that, to me at least, it seems what those separated from the wholeness of life have repressed into dreams and unconsciousness, indigenous people simply have as their conscious reality. I do not have a heritage to claim from my human lineages that gives me these stories or symbols, but my living life is a near constant stream of relevant physical signs and symbols.
In the past few days, dogs, wolf and star/stars/star woman have been weaving their way through my life most notably.
Dogs are on my radar for very personal reasons. When my second daughter left home rather suddenly to move in with her 21 year old big sister and my ex/his partner, having not told us she was unhappy with us and suddenly leaving with her sister when her sister visited last October - the weekend of October 7th - she left her dog, as well as the dog we got to be the companion to her dog without explanation. About a month ago, we learned she has made arrangements to be able to have her dog move in with her to be her therapy dog and would like to now have her back, having abandoned her to our care when she moved. Although this dog - or any dog - was not originally my idea, I adopted my daughters dog as my own when she left and now have the opportunity to love unconditionally and release her, but I want to do it with the least trauma on the other dog. We want the best for everyone, especially our daughter - and we are happy to support her being able to have her dog with her, but have concerns about the other dog, who, when we adopted her, had severe depression and came out her shell through the relationship with dog that is primarily our daughter’s. We are in the process of seeking a win/win solution for everyone, while our daughter still doesn’t want to communicate directly with us. I am surrendering to grace, inviting Grace and God to boundlessly bless all of us and working things out for the best for EVERYONE, trusting all way win solutions can and will unfold for everyone in our family. Because how this will unfold for all of us uncertain, I’ve had the dogs on my heart-mind quite a bit.
A few days ago my son and I were discussing various thinkers in fields that overlap in the study of consciousness. He mentioned Wolfgang Pauli. He’d come across him his book, “Beyond Physicalism,” which is a fairly geeky treatment of consciousness. I said in with a spirit of playfulness, “I don’t think Wolf would gang up on Polly.” My son replied that yes, wolves have been misunderstood. I concurred and observed that my understanding of wolves is that they are actually noble, loyal, loving beings, and to my knowledge, unlike the subset of humans engaged in things like colonialism, expansionism and empire and things like that, wolves don’t set forth to conquest the world when there is no need of it to have enough to feed their young. Later in the day, I felt led to open a certain spot in Alana Fairchild’s book, Crystal Stars 11:11 and opened to a part that discussed Sirius, which is known as the Dog Star. In what is now Iraq and was once Chaldea, Sirius was known as “The dog star that leads,” while, according to this source, the Cherokee paired Sirius with Antares as a dog-star guardian of the “Path of Souls.” The Skidi tribe of Nebraska named it the “Wolf Star,” and further north the Alaskan Inuit of the Bering Strait called it “Moon Dog.” Additionally, according to Fairchild and many other sources, has been known about for eons by the Dogon Tribal people of Mali, and as the Wolf Star in the astronomy of the ancient Chinese.
It was a wonderful Saturday morning, filled with causes of gratitude. Hubby and I slept in and went out for breakfast. I had a wonderful talk with my friend who is the AGM before we were seated. Then, in our comfy booth, I had a lavender mocha (mmmm) and my wonderful, amazing, loving husband and I talked soulfully and deeply about the joy of surrendering to the adventure we are, which has so many unknowns now. It is so much easier to let go when controlling an outcome has utterly failed, and also so much fun once you trust the process and get into the adventure of it
I went for a walk with a friend in an area owned by the university here, yet full of burial bounds and known to be Indigenous Sacred Land. I had a sense there was an Elder there with a message for me, and that it would come through my friend. This is often how my intuition works: I know someone else is going to get something - I prompt them, and then they do - often this happens with my son, as well, when I will have a feeling of someone who wants to communicate with him, and encourage him to reach out and he will, or I will will get a word for a song and he will compose it and so forth. As we walked briefly and then turned back, my friend shared, “What’s coming through is that although you are from the stars and you are far from home, on a quantum level, you are never left.”
Upon coming home, I was led to play a relatively new song I’d been unexpectedly guided to download, and the first words were/are
Even though you’re far away from home you’re never far away from home. Then I saw that here on sub, my introduction to this page welcomes new readers with a brief description of what I am offering here in this space. I saw I had written, “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for,” - a quote that I credit to Clarissa Pinkola Estes, author of Women Who Run With the Wolves.
I just referenced her in my poem yesterday called, “Women.”
Here’s the song about being far from home but never far from home:
xo All My Love,
Bless you Alicia. Thanks for sharing and sending light and love to you and yours. I see you.
Dance walk before and after, this is so interesting. Thank you for sharing this with your readers.