
Creating Topsoil

The story of my yard


If you’re new, I’m Alicia. I write all kinds of things, whatever I’m led. I deeply believe in an empowered humanity through the power of grace and divine love - and that we can live in harmony with life, with our beautiful sentient planetary Host, and that each of us has unique, divine, holy gifts to give this world. We each matter, but first - we ENERGY!

10 years ago when we first moved to our current home, I’d never lived anywhere more than five years, with an average of two, maybe two and a half. Our front lawn was slightly hilly, covered in grass and perfect for swinging around young kids and letting them play tag. Our top soil was non-existent. Under a tiny layer of fairly fertile dirt was industrial beige God-only-knows-what - sand? Artificial rock? I have no fucking idea. It looked identical to how those gaping holes look in Mother Earth’s body downtown where there is huge construction underway for more buildings. I deeply wish they’d turn some of those office buildings into home-buildings instead of all this construction, but it’s not within my control. So I will return to what is: my yard.

10 years after we moved in, 6 years after I let my grass die and nurtured space friendly to nature as well as to my family of humans - with herbs, trees, sunlight, stumps, wildflowers, bees, squirrels, bunnies, birds, an elderberry and a lilac bush, two young magnolias I bought for 49.95 a piece online, worms, dragonflies, sloths, moths, butterflies and many insects I don’t even recognize…we have a deep layer of top soil that makes me smile.

It has grown in a natural symphony with our very human life. One year I couldn’t bear to cut down a Christmas tree, so we bought some kind of conifer in a pot. I planted it outdoors, right next to the driveway, and with a little extra love the first year, it took root and is flourishing greatly! I think it’s a juniper, but I’m not sure. See, I really am not expert. I just love my garden-yard because I love our Earth. Along the ways, with my husband’s help I created a stump circle, then a line of stumps along the perimeter of the yard facing the sidewalk and street…then stumps were added as seats or just for fun and to add to the whimsy and wildlife. It’s always fun to watch them decompose and then scoop up some natural mulch and add it to something living that can benefit from it. Several of my stumps have come from trees I have watched undergo their transition. It deeply hurts to watch trees cut down, however it was an honor to send love to the threes and support them in their transition and then to host their stumps as part of the continuing festivities of the cycle of life. Often our stumps naturally shroom out after a good rain, and the mushroom are fascinating to observe!

Last year, my neighbor disposed of some ferns and I replanted them, especially for my husband, who loves ferns deeply. I thought they died, but my intuition was that I shouldn’t throw them away or give up, but to hold space for the miraculous. This year, I was delighted to find three healthy ferns exactly where I’d planted the ones I was sure had died! Several years ago, I watched a butterfly carrier its dead mate that was stuck to its wing all the way up to heaven…or at least an extremely high branch. The miracles of life and death and resurrection are all part of the garden.

As we see so much of our old world decomposing - and many elements of it indeed that need to decompose - it can be depressing if we do not realize the soilutions are right at our finger tips: Nature is so resilient when given even a little bit of love and space to work with….we can start where we are to nurture ecosystems that support the whole and that also support us. We don’t have to be parasitic; we can be symbiotic with Grandmother Earth.

There are many tools available for us to live in harmony without the need for war, exploitation or extractive industries. These same industries like to say the people, or too many people are the problem, but it’s usually the extractionists themselves - both of Human Resources and planetary ones - who also want to do away with whoever they find inconvenient or uncontrollable. Yet without these controllers, we may find harmony and sovereignty in equal measure with ourselves and with one another, allowing us to choose leaders based on vibration, integrity and skillful ability to love and serve the people, instead of their own elite, vested interests

Free energy is a true option. I’ve posted previously on the Generic Air Gen model that uses nano pores and infinitesimal amounts of moisture, developed by scientists at UMass Amherst.

Mycoremediation can be used for everything from purifying run off water to helping clean up ecological damage from oil spills. The bunnies in our neighborhood have evolved to eat marigolds. Butterflies - monarchs in particular have evolved to handle the toxins in milkweed where other insects cannot. Animals are thriving in the area of Chernobyl in spite of the radioactivity. There is every reason to hope that Gaia can heal and adapt and that as we come into harmony with our hearts - connecting the heaven of our souls and the earth of our bodies to incarnate into this wondrous experience of life - we can learn to live in harmony and peace with ourselves and one another.

Just as energy can harm the human body, as well as fish, birds, dolphins, whales and the environment as a whole - whether its experiments from Alaska or wind power or other sources, such as excess EMFs or sonics from military planes and I’ve posted on some issues around that - energy can also benefit, uplift and heal. Intention can bring upliftment. We can open to new vistas of wellbeing within ourselves, our world and our interrelatedness with all life. There are certain frequencies that can work in beneficial ways, but we can also simply put ourselves in a high vibrational state by entraining with Source, with our own oversoul, with high vibrational flowers and flower essence and with Nature Herself.

As we heal the soil, the soil can support literally grounding these higher frequencies.

As we are mostly water, as we work with the water frequencies, as shown by Masaru Emoto, we can we heal our bodies, which then are easier conduits for healing the earth.

For those interested in how we can heal the soil, check out how mycoremediation is being used by grassroots movements here.

As we heal ourselves, we heal the earth; as we heal the earth, we heal ourselves.

Did you know that playing in the soil can lift you up and help you tap into a greater state of wellbeing? From Forbes:

One meta-analysis of the research, published in the journal Preventative Medicine Reports, found that gardening has a wide range of health outcomes including reductions in depression, anxiety, and body mass index, as well as increases in life satisfaction, quality of life, and sense of community. Results of another study showed that gardening increased life satisfaction, vigor, psychological wellbeing, and cognitive function. Further research on gardening found it improved life satisfaction and mood. Digging in the dirt really does lift your spirits. The digging stirs up microbes in the soil. Inhaling these microbes can stimulate serotonin production, which can make you feel relaxed and happier.

I feel so much better when I spend time in my garden, hand weeding or planting, laying on my back face to the sun, or my belly face to the earth, or even just sitting butt to heart, soul to heaven, heart traveling in between. I have a sense, sometimes about what wants to weeded and what doesn’t; what wants to be eaten or left alone. But I am not always the most attuned one. So sometimes I ask my son, who hears the spirits of the plants and etheric beings more directly oftentimes. How often do we neglect the spiritual side of caring for the land that cares for us, in whose arms we are held from birth until our bodies return, like stumps to the cycle of life and the wholeness of the Earth Mother in whom we lives while here incarnate?

“The creative poets, shamans and artists of this people produce enchanting melodies and sing about the spirits of the land, whom they worship but who are now largely neglected in European cultures, resulting in the ecological crisis that is gradually destroying our common home, the Earth.”


Myth and Mystery
The Music and Spirits of Nature among the Last Indigenous Peoples of Europe
I am just on the way back from a whole week attending a fantastic conference on religion and ecology which has left me completely exhausted but enriched by so many ideas and wonderful melodies. While digesting the many rich papers I heard one in particular struck a chord in my Orphic spirit: Nicola Renzi’s “‘Don’t You Hear the Spirits Warning Us?’ Signa…
Read more

Is it possible we feel better when we spend time in our gardens and in the soil because we are meant to be a part of these ecosystems rather than isolated in germ-free kitchens, breathing antiseptic air?

I believe the earth is alive, holy, our home, our mother and friend. I believe we can thrive best when we reconnect with her…we feel more…ourselves. Yet also more expansive beyond our little human egos and worries. We reconnect with wonder, childlikeness and awe. We feel our interconnection with the natural world and with the energies that are so alive within it.

May we all be blessed to find our soulutions and our solutions as part of the great ecology of life!

May we each re-call our souls as sovereign and divine!

May we know harmony within all our own aspects as we dance and sometimes aikido with the world and its struggles!

May we know we are loved!

May we forgive and be forgiven!

May we dance with joy!

This morning I downloaded a few remixes of a Michael Franti album.

Titles like:

Enjoy every second

This world is so F*ckd up but I aint never given up

The humans are not the problem. Those who have tried to control them and subvert or invert their power are the problem.

May we remember that we are love.

May we forgive unconditionally and rise in the light of love. May we grow gardens that transcend differences of ideology and sow seeds of all way win grassroots solutions that heal our souls and our soil and create opportunities for abundance, joy, connection and Grace to flow in ways that align with Divine Will.

With great blessings and bountiful love for all life, may we thrive in peace, harmony and joyful divinity.

Lots of love,


Thank you for reading Uplift Unicorn. This post is public so feel free to share it.


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