I want to say the biggest THANK YOU in my heart to all of you who reached out with love and comments resonating with the post I shared yesterday. You are all SO AWESOME and I LOVE YOU!
I also LOVE YOU if you didn’t quite know how to feel about it, or if it made you sick or frustrated that I couldn’t just get on the page with those who see things in red or blue.
My first favorite colors were magenta and lavender/violet. As a teen and young adult, I loved periwinkle and black. I fell in love with iridescence and especially iridescent white in my thirties. I keep coming back to the dragon chapter in The Sophia Code all week and the circle of empowerment is iridescent white with a magenta sheen. I’m wearing an organic shirt that is somewhere between gray and lavender and I’m keeping cozy in wool pants I bought from a woman on Etsy who lives in a slavic country. There are so many areas that are gray - that aren’t this or that - or that we don’t know yet what the mix even is - there are also so many beautiful energies of bright iridescence and the opportunity to move beyond sides and into the wholeness of all that glows with the authentic love of Creation and The Mother of All Life - both earthly and THE MOTHER OF ALL LIFE- and to come into more wholeness through the fractalization that can happen when we see that although the truth/Truth has operated from a very fractured place, our Truth is that we hold all that is inside us and by bringing more wholeness to ourselves, we will be fit to give our fruits, flowers and flourishing as a sacred offering to all life.
hehe. Love you. Also my favorite color when I was little was lavender. Now I'm a teals, blues, greens and purples girl (because iridescence!) I just found a bug with all of those colors in an iridescent metallic and it was awesome.