Identifying masked toxicity, Sensing discernment & Softening into More Love
The other day we sat eating by the lake, seated on playground equipment with an open pizza box and a glass Tupperware of quinoa and sweet potato. My husband and I were eating the pizza; our son was eating the quinoa. It was the first time we brought out dog, Adrian on an outing that involved food and required remaining relatively stationary. One of the best things about her getting a bit older is her increased capacity for chillness; to enjoy the warmth in a relaxed way, even as she still gets very excited everything in sight: other dogs, squirrels, people - especially kids - and of course, smells!
Watching her sniff evoked a thoughtful conversation about how much humans could process with their noses if we weren’t predominantly acculturated into the visual and auditory senses. I wondered about my own energetic-somatic sensitivity and it suddenly dawned on me, that while the mechanisms may be less understood, it’s not different from seeing or hearing. Sound and light are always hitting some structure in your body that is itself energy, but more slowed to operate from a “matter” perspective - it is more in particle state, whereas sound and late more more focused on their waving characteristics. The waves/photons are then translated into electrical signals that are then interpreted by other “matter” structures in your brain or distributed throughout your soma/body/nervous systems that are then fed back to your brain for a conscious, cognitive “thought” to potentially occur about them if we bother to notice the inputs and interpretations that have gone on energetically throughout our day. Once, I was hanging out with a friend who has ongoing conversations with her spirit guides. At various points, I had to pause to either wait for God to clear something or participate in clearing it myself because as the object approached or we approached an object, I had a visceral reaction to it. As this happened several times, my friend began to “see” what I could only “feel.”
We were both perceiving the same phenomena but through a different sense organ…
How can listening to the information we are receiving energetically help guide us Home to Trust ourselves in our relationship with life, even when there is a lot going on that is tough in the world, that must be navigated with care and discernment?
I love this quote from Alana F:
"We learn to trust what we feel instead of what appears to be...On one occasion, a post of a beautiful-looking man who is successful in his chosen metaphysical field found its way into my social media feed...One of this spiritual quotes was printed across the bottom of the image. Everything about the image was designed to depict an evolved being who was destined to lead others. My response was immediate and visceral. Despite its surface beauty, there was something toxic about the image...I believe there is a hunger for what is real - perhaps, at a deeper level, we recognize that authenticity is not only nourishing, but rare."
A. Fairchild, Crystal Stars, p 95
From Kaia Ra’s X (I accessed it through her “The Sophia Code” app:
I find that staying soft, even as it feels like so much distortion and deception is bouncing around can be very challenging! It is easier to get edgy or snarky. And there are times it is fitting to use humor with an edge to cope or reveal truth. But is the sword of truth resonant with Love, but in an appropriate-to-the-moment way that feels GOOD in my soul or would it add resonance of aggression to the air that is already so fully charged?
How can I be in Truth in Love?
I invoke more Grace and a more gracious way of moving between the “not for me” resonances that abound, both on and offline.
How can I be even more unconditionally loving even as I am clear about my discernment?
I don’t know. I don’t have all the answers. But I know that when I spend more time with the flowers and the birds and the sky and the earth, I feel better.
Hi Alicia - I wrote a blog post a while back about living softly, and I'm learning too that it's so important to live a life of grace, love and forgiveness - life is short and we should be using it well. :)
Yes yes yes! To remaining soft and spending time with the birds and flowers.