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Bird Medicine

A blue jay flew over my head this morning

I had read, the other day after I saw a pair

That they represent good luck, standing one’s ground, standing up for what one believes in. This is the high note of territoriality. To be a guardian for Terra - for Gaia, for our Earth, sentient, fully, her own divine being

And I wondered at what I was seeing

And to inquire about how we are BEE-ing

Blue Jay Blue Jay

What message do you have for us today?

Stand your ground

Stand your ground

Believe that unity is possible

But not the false kind

Call it out

Call it out loud

Call it in call it out

Call alignment

Be proud!

To me, we are the perfect moment to question the entire enterprise that has always aimed to dominate, exterminate or assimilate - divide and conquer or unify and conquer, but always to exploit, to steal or acquire through deceptive and unfair measures land from those who live in harmony with it, to steal freedom and call it fighting for the same.

On our way to lunch, my husband shared having run into a woman who is Israeli-American and is standing up for Palestinians - as she always has since adolescence. I had given him a card to pass along to her, on a whim the other day when it felt aligned. At the time she received it, she’d passed along thanks but nothing major. Then today he shared she mentioned that on the card was a latin phrase where she looked up - it turned out to be a song, ten minutes long, that she’d really enjoyed and found meditative! So she sent a second thank you. Sometimes the impact of a small gift pays delayed dividends. Some of the seeds to we sprinkle may come up beyond our life time, or beyond our knowing. Yet they sprout nonetheless!

You may have read my earlier post where I once had a vision of myself and I was a woman and also an Eagle. I also feel very powerfully that this symbol is not the right one to represent America - named for an Italian, nor for the United States, which stands on the shaky ground of its broken promises to the Indigenous People and to the People ever since. The Eagle is an Indigenous symbol, but I believe those of us who are privileged enough to be born in white bodies can also embody this medicine and stand up and behalf of Indigenous Peoples. The freedom of All of We The People - Indigenous and all who call these lands home rests on justice for the Indigenous the restoration of their full rights to sovereignty that is equal to the United States, protected by the United States AS FULL and EQUAL nations by the Will of The People.

In this lies the foundation of other nations to to emerge and be respected, not as a schisms or through civil war, but as children deciding to go their own way, or hostages being restored to their original free existence as independent polities on par with nations, but perhaps with different values than the Western Colonial nations.

I noticed that two of the women who wrote posts that showed up in my inbox are human beings who share a passion for peace, yet one knows Trump is deep state but is promoting him as our best shot anyway; the other knows Biden and many other dems are authoritarian genocide-promoters, yet she remains a committed liberal/progressive who supports workers unions and is happy about the European developments. Both women believe they are supporting the lesser of two evils. Both women would rather something better. Both women’s primary reason for their political stances has to do with wanting peace and a world where love and light are the winners, and where all are living a life that is blessed with freedom.

Hitler was a socialist. Deuce was a fascist.

How long have socialists/communists and fascists been fighting each other as reptilian-driven factions?

Yes I said the R word. Not all reps are bad. And in fact, the serpent was a symbol of life force energy in the Magdalene tradition, whilst Dragons are lucky in pre-communist Chinese cosmology and they are the fiery creatures of God closest to Source in The Sophia Code. But the cycle of reptilian war that utilizes humanity to burn itself out is ending, an we can choose lighter, brighter ways, while integrating all that may have reptilian links within us, through the power of discipline and correction from within.

We have a chance to move on from it. We have the chance to re-write history going forward. Love paradox? I do too!

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