Not Lilith. Not Eve.
Who is this woman I am here to embody?
What do I believe
About being a womb-heart-humming-through-my-throat
My Divinity (unique, yet fully equal with yours and all others)
From my Crown
My Sovereign
Filled with Mercy
And Ferocity
Surrender to the Source of me
To the Root
Having a hoot
Who is this woman I am here to be
Free of vengeance
Only rebelling
When the options present
Are bad
And smelling
Having practiced discipline and letting it go
Fields of wildflowers
Trudging in snow
Stars in my belly
So many lifetimes to heal
To arrive in this one
Refusing to heel
Or to lash out
I’m here to find my Sovereign
Joyous keel
What is the Water
That Flows through me?
The Fire
The Air
The Ether
The God Stuff
Pulled out of No-Thing
She Who Births
Birthed me
Beyond Eve
Beyond Lilith
Beyond Adam and Steve
If I filter out the Archetypes
Of Fallen Humanity
Who is it shining as me
As Divine Love
For all that is Within Me
And Within You
And All of Humanity?
Hum Hum Hum
Beyond Your Zoom
Zoom out and feel your wings
Stretching to Infinity
The Empty Space
Birthing All
With Their Sovereignty
A video about the Divine Mother Bear
wonderful to see your face and hear your voice. Thank you for the video. It connected to me beyond the poem and feels to me exactly where I am and what I am endeavoring to embody. Thank you thank you thank you.
So good!! 🤍