Why do you hide your soul gifts
Tucked away in back
Are you afraid that if you show your petals
Even your thorns won’t protect you from attack?
Yet on the secret passage
It’s mostly children
On their way to school
Walking with moms or dads or nannies
Sometimes its grannies
Or humans walking along side a canine
Who could benefit from being informed by your beautiful soul
Opening petal by petal
That they are equally divine
And that they have the metal
To be soft as a rose
Instead of hardened at the nose
Some walk here
Whose parents work in every influential sphere
Maybe they need your light and love
To help them uplift in a new gear
Based on becoming a love-light
And those who need your light
Those who need your inspiration
Your beauty
Your very presence
That simply to gaze at
Sets things aright
So, dearest rose
I am your secret admirer
But I challenge you
To be a secret no more
To let the world see you and adore
But what they will find is an open door
To what is the Inner Sanctum of their own Source
Within the heart
The center
The womb of Creation
To birth heaven on earth
One inhale
Another exhale
Of it’s fragrance at a time
Allowing the waft of God-light
Solar floral delight
To inform the world around you
It can move beyond the fight
And into warm heart-womb love
To be gestated into heavenly-new
More True
Letting the sacred accrue
Within your petal’s embrace
Nurtured and loved
Until it births and take flight
On the pollen of a bee
Who carries honey and light
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