I was staring up at this view yesterday on my walk, and when I couple walked by and glanced over at me, a bit of an anomaly staring at the sky, just after twirling down the street, I pointed out the way the light was shining. I am not the most innately observant person. Once, an ex CIA guy I met when I complimented his hat at the coffee shop told me he found me befuddling because, he said, I speak with an authority that is not common. But he deduced, quite accurately, I couldn’t be a spy because I am not observant enough. I don’t speak with authority on lots of things - for example I asked my son to give me an intro to calculus which he has started through an online program, because about calculous I know nothing. And lately I know less and less. My intuition still will nudge me to look up this or that from time to time, but I don’t watch or regularly listen to the news. And increasingly I recognize that I could spend my entire life being a voice in the wilderness for the things I want to see birthed in the world, and for calling out the dynamics that often are obstacles, yet so removable with the will of the people gathered…yet, the world will still go its way - it is free as I am free, and I could miss the beauty of that tree I took time to notice if I were scrolling - whether for helpful bits of information or tidbits of truth untainted by this or that harmful agenda.
I felt led to point out the way the light was shining to the couple. The woman in the couple looked up. She caught her breath.
“Oh wow. That IS beautiful. Thank you for pointing that out to me.”
Lee Harris’ guides, the Zs say that trees are energy guardians. They are unaffected by lower vibe energies, and also are able to contain them so they do not spread. Trees are sacred. The bottom reaches into the soil, which is like the beautiful counterpart to the night sky. In Eben Alexander’s book on his NDE he describes at place beyond the light that is a velvety blackness filled with love - my paraphrase, it’s been a while since I read his book. In the Sophia Code, this place is called “Warm, Black Womb of No-Thing,” and The Sophia goes on to assert the paradox that God’s love is even there, in the nothing that gives birth to the light.
It is interesting to me that there is a false light, which may be referred to as Luciferian, but there is also a holy darkness.
There is the pure White Light of Sophia Divine Mother of All That Is
But even before that, there is the Warm Black Womb of No-Thing
As we head into the darker seasons, the ones of letting things go back to the beautiful nurturing soil, which I see as the earthly reflection of the night sky, or Sophia’s womb of limitless no-thing that births the light, with it, life itself, may we focus on the sacredness of the Holy space of blackness that is warm and welcoming beneath the cold surface, while we also give acknowledgment to the false light that can masquerade distortion, hate, suppression or genocide.
May the authentic blackness showcase the authentic light, and demonstrate that they are two sides of divinity, just as the inauthentic darkness and the inauthentic light are two sides of that which we may call evil.
Which will you focus on this season?
Does the authentic light sometimes reveal the distortions - whether seemingly dark or seemingly light that we need to see in order to repeal? Like yin and yang are there aspects of both on both “sides”?
Can we also allow our own wonder and awe at the authentic light and the authentic blackness to bring us into awe, resonance and harmony with that which births sovereign creatorhood within us and within all?
The sky and the earth. The earth and the sky. The trees that reach in both directions with magnificence and magnanimity, being homes for so many living beings, just as Mother Earth herself hosts so much diversity with so much compassion for us all as we live into a more gracious way of being, bumbling as we so often do along the way!
Alicia — thank you. Deep wells of wisdom here. 🙏🏻