Like the leaf
I let go so
New things can grow
Like the leaf, I hold on
Until it is time to let go
Then I let the wind blow
Because I am not the leaf
When it takes its leave
Returning to the earth
Awaiting its new birth
I am the tree
And I am the tree until
It is no longer me
Returning to the earth
My soul becomes free
Even my soul is a hologram of God
God in all
Beyond the all that is Created
God infusing every milkweed pod
Seeds attached to shining softness
Awaiting the water to carry them deep into the earth
After their aloftness
The depths
Is the end
The beginning
Yet here we are in the middle
Just like dogs
We have to piddle
And so much of life still feels like a riddle
Who am I?
I am everything and nothing
I am something and its end
I am before and after
But in the mean time there is much to tend
To gently honor
Sacredly mend
Places to stand
And places to bend
So that we can withstand
Love for the air
Radiance of Sun
Don’t cover it
To try to recover
What can only be healed at the
Stop every military boot
That comes on the order of those who deceive without reprieve
It is time to relieve those of duty
Who drive us to war
To atrocities
That only make our home nations poor
While childrens limbs fill with shrapnel
And the innocent are plundered to their core
Let my tears bless the earth
With compassion droplets
For her rebirth
Witnessing power
And texture
Within Love’s Matrix
The Womb
The Divine Mother Creatrix
I am her Daughter
And All I have been Through is Fodder
Yet Allowing It All to Return to Source
Her Love
Holds and Dissolves
Each Leaf Now Ready Unbecom
So That
I May Be Born Anew
So That We
May be Born Anew
May Our Earth
Our Whole Star Family
Be Loved And Blessed Forever
May All Be Safe
Happy Peaceful and
May all Beings Thrive
May Joy Get a Chance to Be Alive
In You
In Me
In Peaceful Sovereign Divine Humanity
Surrendered to Grace
Opening to a New Space
Owning that We are Worthy
Simply Because We Are
Children Of The Source of Love
I call Forth Heaven On Earth
Let It Begin With Each of Us Prayed
In The Right Direction
At the Right Time
The Prayer
And Its Answer
To be The Dance
And The Dancer
Would You Like to Dance?
Hello Lovelies,
I know this time of year is busy and intense. And our world is not exactly the most relaxing place. So I’ll be taking a break from the deep dives to offer something simple and hopefully helpful to your journey!
Each day I’ll share picture and a short poem or a brief nugget or story that I hope supports, nurtures and uplifts you!
Blessings Always!
With, Love,
Beautiful poem ❤️