Who is this lady who chalks down the street? I have no idea who she is, this nutty woman who is me.
Because I am new every single now moment, so I am always meeting myself again and again, and I see remnants of me when I walk by and it’s lovely to know
That I always have room to express and to grow.
Do you ever have a hair day like this?
Where is your flare?
Do you dare to see the other, so different, perhaps suffering
Even attacking, or in your opinion, only quaking
Yet choose to set your parameters with love
With care? Do you dare
To see their divinity
To see them as love-worthy
All Way
From No-Thing
Open your heart
Sing it clear
Sing your song loud and clear
Clear the times
Clear the obstacles
To Heaven on Earth
Let the Power of Your Positive Focus
Generate Joy beyond the locusts
What does it mean to care
To hold the parts of us and others that feel the scare?
To hold it in love
Until the letters untangle into
This I Dare
If I honored the Divinity Inside
That is sovereign
Yet doesn’t seek to divide
Care don’t carry, a wise teacher once said
Can you see past the blue and the red
The violet flame that Transmutes
And takes us off mute
To embrace the Sapphire of Truth, Divine Will & Protection
Beyond any distortion, projection or objection
The Ruby
That Roots
Honors the blood
That runs through us all
The Right to Exist
Does Persist
Beyond Genocide
And the attempt to make the Love-Light
Run, Dim or Hide
Chanumpa of White Buffalo Woman
Walks tall
Plays in Grass
In the Sophia Code she dissolves to Ash
The man would rape her
Yet with compassion she prays for his sick soul, which he willingly relinquishes to Source, in whom he may be fulfilled and there may bask
Can we cast our burdens on Yeshua
So we don’t get weighed down
Can we turn the frown upside down
As we confidently care
And dare
And walk with holy integrity
Joyful Hathor Flare
To honor our authentic soul
To withstand any disapproving or attempted take-down glare
How do you show that you care
To listen to their soul without needing to fix or tweak
Unless they ask for your wisdom,
Then feel free to speak
How do we show that our compassion is so great for ourselves and others
That we care enough to let people on their own way
Even if what they do is against our druthers?
Love one another
Sisters and brothers
Enough to let people walk their own path
And dare to walk yours with integrity and peace
Beyond all that brings you to your knees
Can you be the love that liberates
Can you be the dare that walks in True Integrity?
To honor all lifes’ brilliant hues and Peoples
Beyond Domination and its various headed beasts and abominations
To move beyond the empty doctrines of institutions of religions
And steeples
And in their hidden walls, creeples
End the raping of little boys and girls
End all forms of institutionalized killing
End all forms of schilling
Time be warming
And chilling
Go to the
Inner Temple
Where we can lead by example
We have ample
Opportunities to play and to pray
Into being miracles
In this field
So that it will yield
Heaven on earth for one and for all
Even if parallel realities
Allow others to live out their choices
Since freedom is the call
In this world beyond black white or gray
It’s time to go beyond what we’re told
And to conceive beyond Time
A new story to be told
It’s time to be be bold
Don’t let your heart grow cold
Hold it tenderly in Divine Love’s light-embrace
See the suck witness it
Then honor that you are providential, blessed with Good Luck
When you surrender to Grace
And apply a little soulful, divinely aligned Pluck
“Schmidt…has been the guiding hand behind the Biden administration’s science and technology policy and has dominated the development of the AI policies of the US military and intelligence communities...Newsweek once called Schmidt and Thiel the two most influential figures at Bilderberg.”
WW Unlimited Hangout
Who would be if we began to heal
Let ourselves feel?
Yet feel the light
And the light holding the pain
So we can ultimately acknowledge it
And let go of it
No longer holding onto it for secondary gain?
To lose what we thought we had
Is the true gain
It is never to late to get off the train
Let healing rain put out the fires
An let the holy fire within arise
That creates a burning desire
To purify
And allow us to live
Fully and magnify
All that is beautiful, holy and divine
Opening our hearts an souls right on time
To be free and worthy to shine
We choose to dance
Our dance
To paint our sky
To compose our music
To help us learn to fly
While rooting deeper into the compost
Of all that is ready to die
So that we can flourish and flower
At the place where heaven meets earth
In this dire moment
This holy sacred
It’s time to flower
In Love’s Sacred
~Alicia Kwon
What does a world look like where all are honored and all are loved?
What does it look like to walk around in your body
A soul connected to source
Joyfully planted?
It is my holy humanity
That deserves to shine
Married to my soul
And not to labratories
Or technologies
And my reward is to honor the sacred within me
And to set myself free
To be my holy divinity within this ever expanding sovereign divine humanity
Free I AM
I am Unicorn, Butterfly, Dragonfly
Rose Dragon
I am Eagle and BEE
I am YOU
How do you want to express your organic, sovereign, divine, beautiful, sacred, incredible, unco-opted,d creative hu-manity?
The other day I blue jay flew over my head and I shared my thoughts on Bird Medicine Here.
Today, this morning I saw one on the tree in our backyard. It looked fat and wonderful, and was quite peacefully composed. I said hello and enjoyed sharing the space with it for a bit and eventually I looked the other way and it flew off. Later I followed my soul-guidance outside to the grass, where I crawled around and rolled, and stretched, as I have found connects me to vitality and childlikeness when I am tending to take things too seriously or become stressed and need to earth myself in joyful, uplifting way. I finished off with a cartwheel, and when I turned to look at the ground upon its completion, a brilliant blue jay feather was right in front of my face. I wonder if it’s from the same Blue Jay I friended earlier.
Who says you can’t be territorial about what is important to you and set your parameters for who and how others may be in your space, and still be generous?
The kidney does not support heart cells growing in the kidney. Brains do not grow out of your earlobes, typically. Life has natural, healthy boundaries. Yet all is one. The whole is healthy when boundaries are natural, honored and each aspects does its part, knowing it is a unity with a larger Self. What is even generating the Self but the God - both form and formless that gives birth to the light that becomes blue jays and yous and mes?
God bless you and God bless me. God bless all that sets us free! God bless the honey bee and the blue jay, the finch and the Tree. God bless the oceans, rivers, insects, mammals, mushrooms, skies and seas! God bless everybody - God bless the infinite invisible light that Sees, that frees, that brings peace to humanity, sovereign, sacred, love-filled, True Humanity, Unco-opted, We BEE, working together with one another, sister, father, brother, mother.
Heck yeah, we are here to love one another. ~ AK
I felt surely blessed! It felt aligned to receive the gift and I wore it proudly upon my person for a while before placing it by my Hafiz oracle deck.
This is called inspired poetry, where what you write comes to you spontaneously. Such beautiful free verse poetry. Do you know that you yourself are reflected in this poetry? These are not just words; the poet herself speaks through them. Very good. I liked it.