The other day, we got a lot of snow.
Almost 8 years ago I bought a snow blower for my hubby, put a green bow on it and gave it to him for a holiday in the winter. It sat dormant in the garage. For seven years, even though we live in Wisconsin. He just wasn’t inspired to use it. We shoveled. It was fine. We had a few iffy days, but we got through it.
Last year, I was inspired to ask him if he’d like to give it to our neighbors - I knew they had one, because periodically during big snows, they’d do the sidewalk in front of our house along with theirs, and I also knew theirs was getting up in years. He was feeling aligned and inspired, so we did. I have always imagined a world where a community has a shed where people can take out what tools they need and return them, perhaps a registry or sign in sign out, but a help yourself kind of basis. I felt, what a good first step.
We have our differences with these neighbors. If you asked us our views on a lot of things of a geopolitical nature or anything related to the stories told about what we are supposed to do to be good citizens, including as relates to our health. On the other hand, both of our families know one another as good people. The dad in their family uses EFT and heart centered practices in his work with addicts.The mom is an admin in healthcare at a local hospital. I once brought over a salt lamp for her and she told me, although she is not woo-woo, that it was not surprising to her that I did, since she had just been thinking about salt lamps and had been wanting one. When someone in our household unexpectedly had to lie down in front of their house and had an ultimately benign trip to the ER while we were hacked, she let us use her phone to communicate and offered us rides if we needed it.
Our gift of the snowblower was joyfully received, and it is much easier on the body of their dad, as it’s lighter. He had some kind of an issue of swelling with his foot last year, so that makes me very happy!
So on this particular snowy day, my husband wanted to go out and shovel, because we were planning on taking a trip to our favorite place a weekend brunch but I had the intuition to tell him to wait. Soon after, this neighbor came around to do the sidewalk portion, and I did a bunch of shoveling - as much as I could do in rhythm with my own intuitive knowing. Then hubby came out and did some. And then, at long last the plow came, as you can see in the picture.
When we cleared enough snow to try driving out, we nearly made it before hitting the snow bank. Another one of our neighbors - a retiree - came out and had just the wisdom of how to create space to effectively dig us out. We made it to breakfast, and we were delighted to see our buddy who is the AGM (assistant general manager) with whom we always have cool high vibe connections, and the young woman who inspired our latest trip to the local crystal store. I had complimented her necklace, which then inspired our trip, which led me to get a selenite plate that I’ve found very helpful when the external waves are a little off kilter. I also had the inspiration to see if my hubby would like to get some crystals to bring to work to share with his co-workers, as the ones he brought at Halloween were such a hit.
We had a wonderful breakfast together and the AGM friend brought out our food himself, I suspect so he could come say hi. We are so pleased he is still with his boyfriend, and that he made it through his own snow trials. As usual, I shared my intentions for love, joy, world place and sovereignty for all. He was nodding, smiling all through love, joy and world peace, but when I got to the last one, he curled inward and said, “I don’t know about that. I hope so.”
Hope. Hope is what inspired us to take action that aligns to materializing the inspired generative wishes of our Higher Selves. When we do this enough, we develop the muscles of faith - we begin to have a little more confidence in ourselves and our co-creation with the Universe, with all life that breathes and is praying our prayers with us, through us, as one Larger Body Of All That Is, healing as we go, plowing the ways, letting the seeds of tomorrow chill over winter, inspiring one another to see the wonder, awe and light.
has a wonderful post on awe. and the power of being wonder struck.I feel this wonder as I marvel at the light on snow. I feel this wonder when I feel the power of connection between people who are meant to meet, to know one another, to intersect in particular ways and times and for inspired co-creations with the energy of life. I got to share with my friend the AGM about an experience I had where a corporate entity nixed their holistic element, putting many practitioners suddenly out of work. And yet…they practitioners, because they were let go all at one and in this same boat…came together to start their own thing. I wasn’t led to join the larger thing that most of them created, but two of them created a smaller practice, and out of the blue, whereas I had felt totally unsafe to get any care other than urgent care for my cat bite and that sort of thing, I felt aligned to connect with this new practice, which was such a blessing. I walked in, and before I even got inside, the practitioner and I were making jokes and vibing from the parking lot, where he met me, because I had gotten just the tiniest bit turned around. Because of something seemingly “bad” he chose to manifest something different, new, fresh, alongside the other woman in the practice, whom I have not met but already love from my energetic sense of her. Because the two of them chose to rise to the opportunity of creating something different, new and awesome, I who had felt very alone in my community and unable to find a place I felt comfortable to receive ongoing care, found a place I could bring my authentic self, without fear of judgement for either my choices about the vaccine or my energetic sensitivity when I walk around in the world. When I shared this story at breakfast with my friend, he was so inspired! He lit up.
Our friend who first inspired the initial crystal outing was a delight. My hubby and I ended up sharing a chicken waffle, which she brought to us plated - and she added an extra egg without request, since she knew we were sharing. Earlier I had said to my hubby and love of my life, “I feel like eggs.” Truthfully, I’d felt like eggs for days. Yet I felt led to ask my love what he wanted and when he said he was feeling “Chicken Waffle,” I was led to offer to share instead of getting my down dish (I’d been thinking of the scramble.) Hubby kept offering different additional options and I kept sticking to, “Feel free if you’re led, but I’m just led to share.” I listened intuitively, and I had the perfect amount of food, egg and all. Our beautiful crystal angel said she hoped to see us again soon. There is such balm in simply being with people who “get it” on the level of vibes.
I’ll tell you about the crash later. It ended up kinda like the egg story.
May all the synchronicities of your best life find you! May you have all you need to thrive, no matter what! May people of different ideological persuasions be united in kindness and joy and the kindredness of being human.
All my love,
Alicia Unicorn
This reminds me of living high up in the Swiss Alps where we had snow from October till March! Happy egg stories 💕
Glad you made it out of that snow! What do you mean crash 😳? Hope all is well 🙏One thing I won’t give up is my snowblower lol! Living where I do we all help each other so nobody gets stuck the older we get up here in the great white north! Thanks for the shout out!